Move capacity between Capacity Reservations - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud

Move capacity between Capacity Reservations

If you have more than one Capacity Reservation, you can move available capacity from one reservation to another. For example, if you need additional capacity in a Capacity Reservation with growing usage and have another Capacity Reservation with available capacity, then you can reallocate capacity between the two reservations.

The destination Capacity Reservation must match the following properties of the source Capacity Reservation:

  • Instance type

  • Platform

  • Availability Zone

  • Tenancy

  • Placement group

  • End time

The destination Capacity Reservation instance eligibility (open or targeted) and tags don't have to match the source Capacity Reservation. The configuration of the source and destination Capacity Reservation remains the same, except for the reduced available capacity in the source reservation and the increased available capacity in the destination reservation.

If all of the available capacity is moved from the source Capacity Reservation and there isn't any capacity being used, the Capacity Reservation will be automatically canceled. If you try to move more than the available capacity in source Capacity Reservation, you will receive an error.


Moving available capacity of Capacity Blocks isn't supported.

To move available capacity from a source Capacity Reservation to a destination Capacity Reservation, you can use the Amazon EC2 console or the AWS CLI.

To move available capacity using the console
  1. Open the Amazon EC2 console at

  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Capacity Reservations.

  3. Select an On-Demand Capacity Reservation ID that has available capacity to move.

  4. Under Actions, Manage capacity, choose Move.

  5. On the Move capacity page, under Destination Capacity Reservation, select a reservation from the list.

  6. Under Quantity to move, use the slider or type the number of instances to move from the source Capacity Reservation to the destination Capacity Reservation.

  7. Review the summary, and when you're ready, choose Move.

To move available capacity using the AWS CLI

Use the move-capacity-reservation-instances command. The following example moves 10 instances from the source Capacity Reservation with an ID of cr-1234567890abcdef0 to the destination Capacity Reservation with an ID of cr-021345abcdef56789.

aws ec2 move-capacity-reservation-instances --source-capacity-reservation-id cr-1234567890abcdef0 --destination-capacity-reservation-id cr-021345abcdef56789 --instance-count 10