View the state of a Capacity Reservation - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud

View the state of a Capacity Reservation

Amazon EC2 constantly monitors the state of your Capacity Reservations. Updates are communicated on the Amazon EC2 console. You can view information about a Capacity Reservation using one of the following methods.

To view your Capacity Reservations using the console
  1. Open the Amazon EC2 console at

  2. Choose Capacity Reservations and select a Capacity Reservation to view.

To view your Capacity Reservations using the AWS CLI

Use the describe-capacity-reservations command:

For example, the following command describes all Capacity Reservations.

aws ec2 describe-capacity-reservations

Example output.

{ "CapacityReservations": [ { "CapacityReservationId": "cr-1234abcd56EXAMPLE ", "EndDateType": "unlimited", "AvailabilityZone": "eu-west-1a", "InstanceMatchCriteria": "open", "Tags": [], "EphemeralStorage": false, "CreateDate": "2019-08-16T09:03:18.000Z", "AvailableInstanceCount": 1, "InstancePlatform": "Linux/UNIX", "TotalInstanceCount": 1, "State": "active", "Tenancy": "default", "EbsOptimized": true, "InstanceType": "a1.medium", "PlacementGroupArn": "arn:aws:ec2:us-east-1:123456789012:placement-group/MyPG" }, { "CapacityReservationId": "cr-abcdEXAMPLE9876ef ", "EndDateType": "unlimited", "AvailabilityZone": "eu-west-1a", "InstanceMatchCriteria": "open", "Tags": [], "EphemeralStorage": false, "CreateDate": "2019-08-07T11:34:19.000Z", "AvailableInstanceCount": 3, "InstancePlatform": "Linux/UNIX", "TotalInstanceCount": 3, "State": "cancelled", "Tenancy": "default", "EbsOptimized": true, "InstanceType": "m5.large" } ] }

Capacity Reservations have the following possible states:

  • active—The capacity is available for use.

  • expired—The Capacity Reservation expired automatically at the date and time specified in your reservation request. The reserved capacity is no longer available for your use.

  • cancelled—The Capacity Reservation was canceled. The reserved capacity is no longer available for your use.

  • pending—The Capacity Reservation request was successful but the capacity provisioning is still pending.

  • failed—The Capacity Reservation request has failed. A request can fail due to request parameters that are not valid, capacity constraints, or instance limit constraints. You can view a failed request for 60 minutes.


Due to the eventual consistency model followed by the Amazon EC2 APIs, after you create a Capacity Reservation, it can take up to 5 minutes for the console and the describe-capacity-reservations response to indicate that the Capacity Reservation is in the active state. During this time, the console and the describe-capacity-reservations response might indicate that the Capacity Reservation is in the pending state. However, the Capacity Reservation might already be available for use and you can attempt to launch instances into it.