Revert from a custom SSL/TLS certificate to the default CloudFront certificate - Amazon CloudFront

Revert from a custom SSL/TLS certificate to the default CloudFront certificate

If you configured CloudFront to use HTTPS between viewers and CloudFront, and you configured CloudFront to use a custom SSL/TLS certificate, you can change your configuration to use the default CloudFront SSL/TLS certificate. The process depends on whether you've used your distribution to distribute your content:

  • If you have not used your distribution to distribute your content, you can just change the configuration. For more information, see Update a distribution.

  • If you have used your distribution to distribute your content, you must create a new CloudFront distribution and change the URLs for your files to reduce or eliminate the amount of time that your content is unavailable. To do that, perform the following procedure.

Revert to default CloudFront certificate

The following procedure shows you how to revert from a custom SSL/TLS certificate to the default CloudFront certificate.

To revert to the default CloudFront certificate
  1. Create a new CloudFront distribution with the desired configuration. For SSL Certificate, choose Default CloudFront Certificate (*

    For more information, see Create a distribution.

  2. For files that you're distributing using CloudFront, update the URLs in your application to use the domain name that CloudFront assigned to the new distribution. For example, change to

  3. Either delete the distribution that is associated with a custom SSL/TLS certificate, or update the distribution to change the value of SSL Certificate to Default CloudFront Certificate (* For more information, see Update a distribution.


    Until you complete this step, AWS continues to charge you for using a custom SSL/TLS certificate.

  4. (Optional) Delete your custom SSL/TLS certificate.

    1. Run the AWS CLI command list-server-certificates to get the certificate ID of the certificate that you want to delete. For more information, see list-server-certificates in the AWS CLI Command Reference.

    2. Run the AWS CLI command delete-server-certificate to delete the certificate. For more information, see delete-server-certificate in the AWS CLI Command Reference.