Managing notebook files - Amazon Athena

Managing notebook files

Besides using the notebook explorer to create and open notebooks, you can also use it to rename, delete, export, or import notebooks, or view the session history for a notebook.

To rename a notebook
  1. Terminate any active sessions for the notebook that you want to rename. The notebook's active sessions must be terminated before you can rename the notebook.

  2. Open Notebook explorer.

  3. In the Notebooks list, select the option button for the notebook that you want to rename.

  4. From the Actions menu, choose Rename.

  5. At the Rename notebook prompt, enter the new name, and then choose Save. The new notebook name appears in the list of notebooks.

To delete a notebook
  1. Terminate any active sessions for the notebook that you want to delete. The notebook's active sessions must be terminated before you can delete the notebook.

  2. Open Notebook explorer.

  3. In the Notebooks list, select the option button for the notebook that you want to delete.

  4. From the Actions menu, choose Delete.

  5. At the Delete notebook? prompt, enter the name of the notebook, and then choose Delete to confirm the deletion. The notebook name is removed from the list of notebooks.

To export a notebook
  1. Open Notebook explorer.

  2. In the Notebooks list, select the option button for the notebook that you want to export.

  3. From the Actions menu, choose Export file.

To import a notebook
  1. Open Notebook explorer.

  2. Choose Import file.

  3. Browse to the location on your local computer of the file that you want to import, and then choose Open. The imported notebook appears in the list of notebooks.

To view the session history for a notebook
  1. Open Notebook explorer.

  2. In the Notebooks list, select the option button for the notebook whose session history you want to view.

  3. From the Actions menu, choose Session history.

  4. On the History tab, choose a Session ID to view information about the session and its calculations.