Use the SVL_STATEMENTTEXT view to get a complete record of all of the SQL commands that have been run on the system.
The SVL_STATEMENTTEXT view contains the union of all of the rows in the STL_DDLTEXT, STL_QUERYTEXT, and STL_UTILITYTEXT tables. This view also includes a join to the STL_QUERY table.
SVL_STATEMENTTEXT is visible to all users. Superusers can see all rows; regular users can see only their own data. For more information, see Visibility of data in system tables and views.
Some or all of the data in this table can also be found in the SYS monitoring view SYS_QUERY_HISTORY. The data in the SYS monitoring view is formatted to be easier to use and understand. We recommend that you use the SYS monitoring view for your queries.
Table columns
Column name | Data type | Description |
userid | integer | ID of user who generated entry. |
xid | bigint | Transaction ID associated with the statement. |
pid | integer | Process ID for the statement. |
label | character(320) | Either the name of the file used to run the query or a label defined with a SET QUERY_GROUP command. If the query is not file-based or the QUERY_GROUP parameter is not set, this field is blank. |
starttime | timestamp | Exact time when the statement started executing,
with 6 digits of precision for fractional seconds. For example:
2009-06-12 11:29:19.131358
endtime | timestamp | Exact time when the statement finished executing,
with 6 digits of precision for fractional seconds. For example:
2009-06-12 11:29:19.193640
sequence | integer | When a single statement contains more than 200 characters, additional rows are logged for that statement. Sequence 0 is the first row, 1 is the second, and so on. |
type | varchar(10) | Type of SQL statement:
QUERY , DDL , or
text | character(200) | SQL text, in 200-character increments. This field might contain special characters such as backslash (\\ ) and newline (\n ). |
Sample query
The following query returns DDL statements that were run on June 16th, 2009:
select starttime, type, rtrim(text) from svl_statementtext
where starttime like '2009-06-16%' and type='DDL' order by starttime asc;
starttime | type | rtrim
2009-06-16 10:36:50.625097 | DDL | create table ddltest(c1 int);
2009-06-16 15:02:16.006341 | DDL | drop view alltickitjoin;
2009-06-16 15:02:23.65285 | DDL | drop table sales;
2009-06-16 15:02:24.548928 | DDL | drop table listing;
2009-06-16 15:02:25.536655 | DDL | drop table event;
Reconstructing stored SQL
To reconstruct the SQL stored in the text
run a SELECT statement to create SQL from 1 or more parts in the
column. Before running the reconstructed SQL, replace
any (\n
) special characters with a new line. The result of the
following SELECT statement is rows of reconstructed SQL in the query_statement
select LISTAGG(CASE WHEN LEN(RTRIM(text)) = 0 THEN text ELSE RTRIM(text) END, '') within group (order by sequence) AS query_statement
from SVL_STATEMENTTEXT where pid=pg_backend_pid();
For example, the following query selects 3 columns. The query itself is longer than 200 characters and is stored in parts in SVL_STATEMENTTEXT.
1 AS a0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890,
2 AS b0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890,
3 AS b012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234
FROM stl_querytext;
In this example, the query is stored in 2 parts (rows) in the text
select sequence, text from SVL_STATEMENTTEXT where pid = pg_backend_pid() order by starttime, sequence;
sequence | text
0 | select\n1 AS a0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890,\n2 AS b0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890,\n3 AS b012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234
1 | \nFROM stl_querytext;
To reconstruct the SQL stored in STL_STATEMENTTEXT, run the following SQL.
select LISTAGG(CASE WHEN LEN(RTRIM(text)) = 0 THEN text ELSE RTRIM(text) END, '') within group (order by sequence) AS text
from SVL_STATEMENTTEXT where pid=pg_backend_pid();
To use the resulting reconstructed SQL in your client, replace any (\n
) special characters with a
new line.
select\n1 AS a0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890,\n2 AS b0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890,\n3 AS b012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234\nFROM stl_querytext;