Manage your AWS Marketplace subscriptions - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud

Manage your AWS Marketplace subscriptions

On the AWS Marketplace website, you can check your subscription details, view the vendor's usage instructions, manage your subscriptions, and more.

To check your subscription details
  1. Log in to the AWS Marketplace.

  2. Choose Your Marketplace Account.

  3. Choose Manage your software subscriptions.

  4. All your current subscriptions are listed. Choose Usage Instructions to view specific instructions for using the product, for example, a username for connecting to your running instance.

To cancel an AWS Marketplace subscription
  1. Ensure that you have terminated any instances running from the subscription.

    1. Open the Amazon EC2 console at

    2. In the navigation pane, choose Instances.

    3. Select the instance, and then choose Instance state, Terminate (delete) instance.

    4. Choose Terminate (delete) when prompted for confirmation.

  2. Log in to the AWS Marketplace, and choose Your Marketplace Account, then Manage your software subscriptions.

  3. Choose Cancel subscription. You are prompted to confirm your cancellation.


    After you've canceled your subscription, you are no longer able to launch any instances from that AMI. To use that AMI again, you need to resubscribe to it, either on the AWS Marketplace website, or through the launch wizard in the Amazon EC2 console.