Compare (diff) with previous time ranges - Amazon CloudWatch Logs

Compare (diff) with previous time ranges

You can use CloudWatch Logs Insights to compare changes in your log events over time. You can compare the log events ingested during a recent time range with the logs from the immediately previous time period. Alternatively, you can compare with similar past time periods. This can help you find whether an error in your logs was recently introduced or was already occurring, and can help you find other trends.

Comparison queries return only patterns in the results, not raw log events. The patterns returned will help you quickly see the trends and changes in the log events over time. After you run a comparison query and have the pattern results, you can see sample raw log events for the patterns that you're interested in. For more information about log patterns, see Pattern analysis.

When you run a comparison query, your query is analyzed against two different time periods: the original query period that you select, and the comparison period. The comparison period is always of equal length to your original query period. The default time intervals for the comparisons are the following.

  • Previous period— Compares to the time period immediately before your query time period.

  • Previous day— Compares to the time period one day before your query time period.

  • Previous week— Compares to the time period one week before your query time period.

  • Previous month— Compares to the time period one month before your query time period.


Queries using comparisons incur charges similar to running a single CloudWatch Logs Insights query over the combined time range. For more information, see Amazon CloudWatch Pricing.

To run a comparison query
  1. Open the CloudWatch console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Logs, Logs Insights.

    A default query appears in the query box.

  3. Keep the default query or enter a different query.

  4. In the Select log group(s) drop-down, choose one or more log groups to query.

  5. (Optional) Use the time interval selector to select a time period that you want to query. The default query is for the previous hour of log data.

  6. By the time range selector, choose Compare. Then choose the previous time period that you want to compare the original logs with, and choose Apply.

  7. Choose Run query.

    To cause the query to fetch the data from the comparison period, the diff command is appended to your query.

  8. Choose the Patterns tab to see the results.

    The table displays the following information:

    • Each Pattern, with variable parts of the pattern replaced by the dynamic token symbol <*>. For more information, see Pattern analysis.

    • Event count is the number of log events with that pattern in the original, more current time period.

    • Difference event count is the difference between the number of matching log events in the current time period versus the comparison time period. A positive different means there are more such events in the current time period.

    • Difference description briefly summarizes the change in that pattern between the current time period and the comparison period.

    • Severity type is the probable severity of the logs events with this pattern, based on words found in the log events such as FATAL, ERROR, and WARN.

  9. To further inspect one of the patterns in the list, choose the icon in the Inspect column for one of the patterns.

    The Pattern inspect pane appears and displays the following:

    • The Pattern. Select a token within the pattern to analyze that token's values.

    • A histogram showing the number of occurrences of the pattern over the queried time range. This can help you to identify interesting trends such as a sudden increase in occurrence of a pattern.

    • The Log samples tab displays a few of the log events that match the selected pattern.

    • The Token Values tab displays the values of the selected dynamic token, if you have selected one.


      A maximum of 10 token values is captured for each token. Token counts might not be precise. CloudWatch Logs uses a probabilistic counter to generate the token count, not the absolute value.

    • The Related patterns tab displays other patterns that frequently occurred near the same time as the pattern that you are inspecting. For example, if a pattern for an ERROR message was usually accompanied by another log event marked as INFO with additional details, that pattern is displayed here.