Architect your application for Amazon ECS - Amazon Elastic Container Service

Architect your application for Amazon ECS

You architect your application by creating a task definition for your application. The task definition contains the parameters that define information about the application, including:

  • The launch type to use, which determines the infrastructure that your tasks are hosted on.

    When you use the EC2 launch type, you also choose the instance type. For some instance types, such as GPU, you need to set additional parameters. For more information, see Amazon ECS task definition use cases.

  • The container image, which holds your application code and all the dependencies that your application code requires to run.

  • The networking mode to use for the containers in your task

    The networking mode determines how your task communicates over the network.

    For tasks that run on EC2 instance, there are multiple options, but we recommend that you use the awsvpc network mode. The awsvpc network mode simplifies container networking, because you have more control over how your applications communicate with each other and other services within your VPCs.

    For tasks that run on Fargate, you can only use the awsvpc network mode.

  • The logging configuration to use for your tasks.

  • Any data volumes that are used with the containers in the task.

For a complete list of task definition parameters, see Amazon ECS task definition parameters for the Fargate launch type.

Use the following guidelines when you create your task definitions:

  • Use each task definition family for only one business purpose.

    If you group multiple types of application container together in the same task definition, you can’t independently scale those containers. For example, it's unlikely that both a website and an API require scaling out at the same rate. As traffic increases, there will be a different number of web containers required than API containers. If these two containers are being deployed in the same task definition, every task runs the same number of web containers and API containers.

  • Match each application version with a task definition revision within a task definition family.

    Within a task definition family, consider each task definition revision as a point in time snapshot of the settings for a particular container image. This is similar to how the container is a snapshot of all the things that are needed to run a particular version of your application code.

    Make sure that there's a one-to-one mapping between a version of application code, a container image tag, and a task definition revision. A typical release process involves a git commit that gets turned into a container image that's tagged with the git commit SHA. Then, that container image tag gets its own Amazon ECS task definition revision. Last, the Amazon ECS service is updated to tell it to deploy the new task definition revision.

  • Use different IAM roles for each task definition family.

    Define each task definition with its own IAM role. This recommendation should be done in tandem with our recommendation for providing each business component its own task definition family. By implementing both of these best practices, you can limit how much access each service has to resources in your AWS account. For example, you can give your authentication service access to connect to your passwords database. At the same time, you can also ensure that only your order service has access to the credit card payment information.