Amazon ECS task metadata endpoint version 4 for tasks on Fargate - Amazon Elastic Container Service

Amazon ECS task metadata endpoint version 4 for tasks on Fargate


If you are using Amazon ECS tasks hosted on Amazon EC2 instances, see Amazon ECS task metadata endpoint.

Beginning with Fargate platform version 1.4.0, an environment variable named ECS_CONTAINER_METADATA_URI_V4 is injected into each container in a task. When you query the task metadata endpoint version 4, various task metadata and Docker stats are available to tasks.

The task metadata endpoint version 4 functions like the version 3 endpoint but provides additional network metadata for your containers and tasks. Additional network metrics are available when querying the /stats endpoints as well.

The task metadata endpoint is on by default for all Amazon ECS tasks run on AWS Fargate that use platform version 1.4.0 or later.


To avoid the need to create new task metadata endpoint versions in the future, additional metadata may be added to the version 4 output. We will not remove any existing metadata or change the metadata field names.

Fargate task metadata endpoint version 4 paths

The following task metadata endpoints are available to containers:


This path returns metadata for the container.


This path returns metadata for the task, including a list of the container IDs and names for all of the containers associated with the task. For more information about the response for this endpoint, see Amazon ECS task metadata v4 JSON response for tasks on Fargate.


This path returns Docker stats for the Docker container. For more information about each of the returned stats, see ContainerStats in the Docker API documentation.


Amazon ECS tasks on AWS Fargate require that the container run for ~1 second prior to returning the container stats.


This path returns Docker stats for all of the containers associated with the task. For more information about each of the returned stats, see ContainerStats in the Docker API documentation.


Amazon ECS tasks on AWS Fargate require that the container run for ~1 second prior to returning the container stats.