Aurora MySQL–specific information_schema tables - Amazon Aurora

Aurora MySQL–specific information_schema tables

Aurora MySQL has certain information_schema tables that are specific to Aurora.


The information_schema.aurora_global_db_instance_status table contains information about the status of all DB instances in a global database's primary and secondary DB clusters. The following table shows the columns that you can use. The remaining columns are for Aurora internal use only.


This information schema table is only available with Aurora MySQL version 3.04.0 and higher global databases.

Column Data type Description
SERVER_IDvarchar(100)The identifier of the DB instance.
SESSION_IDvarchar(100)A unique identifier for the current session. A value of MASTER_SESSION_ID identifies the Writer (primary) DB instance.
AWS_REGIONvarchar(100)The AWS Region in which this global database instance runs. For a list of Regions, see Region availability.
DURABLE_LSNbigint unsignedThe log sequence number (LSN) made durable in storage. A log sequence number (LSN) is a unique sequential number that identifies a record in the database transaction log. LSNs are ordered such that a larger LSN represents a later transaction.
HIGHEST_LSN_RCVDbigint unsignedThe highest LSN received by the DB instance from the writer DB instance.
OLDEST_READ_VIEW_TRX_IDbigint unsignedThe ID of the oldest transaction that the writer DB instance can purge to.
OLDEST_READ_VIEW_LSNbigint unsignedThe oldest LSN used by the DB instance to read from storage.
VISIBILITY_LAG_IN_MSECfloat(10,0) unsignedFor readers in the primary DB cluster, how far this DB instance is lagging behind the writer DB instance in milliseconds. For readers in a secondary DB cluster, how far this DB instance is lagging behind the secondary volume in milliseconds.


The information_schema.aurora_global_db_status table contains information about various aspects of Aurora global database lag, specifically, lag of the underlying Aurora storage (so called durability lag) and lag between the recovery point objective (RPO). The following table shows the columns that you can use. The remaining columns are for Aurora internal use only.


This information schema table is only available with Aurora MySQL version 3.04.0 and higher global databases.

Column Data type Description
AWS_REGIONvarchar(100)The AWS Region in which this global database instance runs. For a list of Regions, see Region availability.
HIGHEST_LSN_WRITTENbigint unsignedThe highest log sequence number (LSN) that currently exists on this DB cluster. A log sequence number (LSN) is a unique sequential number that identifies a record in the database transaction log. LSNs are ordered such that a larger LSN represents a later transaction.
DURABILITY_LAG_IN_MILLISECONDSfloat(10,0) unsignedThe difference in the timestamp values between the HIGHEST_LSN_WRITTEN on a secondary DB cluster and the HIGHEST_LSN_WRITTEN on the primary DB cluster. This value is always 0 on the primary DB cluster of the Aurora global database.
RPO_LAG_IN_MILLISECONDSfloat(10,0) unsigned

The recovery point objective (RPO) lag. The RPO lag is the time it takes for the most recent user transaction COMMIT to be stored on a secondary DB cluster after it's been stored on the primary DB cluster of the Aurora global database. This value is always 0 on the primary DB cluster of the Aurora global database.

In simple terms, this metric calculates the recovery point objective for each Aurora MySQL DB cluster in the Aurora global database, that is, how much data might be lost if there were an outage. As with lag, RPO is measured in time.

LAST_LAG_CALCULATION_TIMESTAMPdatetimeThe timestamp that specifies when values were last calculated for DURABILITY_LAG_IN_MILLISECONDS and RPO_LAG_IN_MILLISECONDS. A time value such as 1970-01-01 00:00:00+00 means this is the primary DB cluster.
OLDEST_READ_VIEW_TRX_IDbigint unsignedThe ID of the oldest transaction that the writer DB instance can purge to.


The information_schema.replica_host_status table contains replication information. The columns that you can use are shown in the following table. The remaining columns are for Aurora internal use only.

Column Data type Description
CPUdoubleThe CPU percentage usage of the replica host.
IS_CURRENTtinyintWhether the replica is current.
LAST_UPDATE_TIMESTAMPdatetime(6)The time the last update occurred. Used to determine whether a record is stale.
REPLICA_LAG_IN_MILLISECONDSdoubleThe replica lag in milliseconds.
SERVER_IDvarchar(100)The ID of the database server.
SESSION_IDvarchar(100)The ID of the database session. Used to determine whether a DB instance is a writer or reader instance.

When a replica instance falls behind, the information queried from its information_schema.replica_host_status table might be outdated. In this situation, we recommend that you query from the writer instance instead.

While the mysql.ro_replica_status table has similar information, we don't recommend that you use it.


The information_schema.aurora_forwarding_processlist table contains information about processes involved in write forwarding.

The contents of this table are visible only on the writer DB instance for a DB cluster with global or in-cluster write forwarding turned on. An empty result set is returned on reader DB instances.

Field Data type Description
ID bigint The identifier of the connection on the writer DB instance. This identifier is the same value displayed in the Id column of the SHOW PROCESSLIST statement and returned by the CONNECTION_ID() function within the thread.
USER varchar(32) The MySQL user that issued the statement.
HOST varchar(255) The MySQL client that issued the statement. For forwarded statements, this field shows the application client host address that established the connection on the forwarding reader DB instance.
DB varchar(64) The default database for the thread.
COMMAND varchar(16) The type of command the thread is executing on behalf of the client, or Sleep if the session is idle. For descriptions of thread commands, see the MySQL documentation on Thread Command Values in the MySQL documentation.
TIME int The time in seconds that the thread has been in its current state.
STATE varchar(64) An action, event, or state that indicates what the thread is doing. For descriptions of state values, see General Thread States in the MySQL documentation.
INFO longtext The statement that the thread is executing, or NULL if it isn't executing a statement. The statement might be the one sent to the server, or an innermost statement if the statement executes other statements.
IS_FORWARDED bigint Indicates whether the thread is forwarded from a reader DB instance.
REPLICA_SESSION_ID bigint The connection identifier on the Aurora Replica. This identifier is the same value displayed in the Id column of the SHOW PROCESSLIST statement on the forwarding Aurora reader DB instance.
REPLICA_INSTANCE_IDENTIFIER varchar(64) The DB instance identifier of the forwarding thread.
REPLICA_CLUSTER_NAME varchar(64) The DB cluster identifier of the forwarding thread. For in-cluster write forwarding, this identifier is the same DB cluster as the writer DB instance.
REPLICA_REGION varchar(64) The AWS Region from which the forwarding thread originates. For in-cluster write forwarding, this Region is the same AWS Region as the writer DB instance.