Supported Regions and Aurora DB engines for exporting snapshot data to Amazon S3 - Amazon Aurora

Supported Regions and Aurora DB engines for exporting snapshot data to Amazon S3

You can export Aurora DB cluster snapshot data to an Amazon S3 bucket. You can export manual snapshots and automated system snapshots. After the data is exported, you can analyze the exported data directly through tools like Amazon Athena or Amazon Redshift Spectrum. For more information, see Exporting DB cluster snapshot data to Amazon S3.

Exporting snapshots to S3 is available in all AWS Regions except the following:

  • AWS GovCloud (US-East)

  • AWS GovCloud (US-West)

Exporting snapshot data to S3 with Aurora MySQL

All currently available Aurora MySQL engine versions support exporting DB cluster snapshot data to Amazon S3. For more information about versions, see Release Notes for Aurora MySQL.

Exporting snapshot data to S3 with Aurora PostgreSQL

All currently available Aurora PostgreSQL engine versions support exporting DB cluster snapshot data to Amazon S3. For more information about versions, see the Release Notes for Aurora PostgreSQL.