aurora_stat_logical_wal_cache - Amazon Aurora


Shows logical write-ahead log (WAL) cache usage per slot.


SELECT * FROM aurora_stat_logical_wal_cache()



Return type

SETOF record with the following columns:

  • name – The name of the replication slot.

  • active_pid – ID of the walsender process.

  • cache_hit – The total number of wal cache hits since last reset.

  • cache_miss – The total number of wal cache misses since last reset.

  • blks_read – The total number of wal cache read requests.

  • hit_rate – The WAL cache hit rate (cache_hit / blks_read).

  • last_reset_timestamp – Last time that the counter was reset.

Usage notes

This function is available for the following versions.

  • Aurora PostgreSQL 14.7

  • Aurora PostgreSQL version 13.8 and higher

  • Aurora PostgreSQL version 12.12 and higher

  • Aurora PostgreSQLversion 11.17 and higher


The following example shows two replication slots with only one active. aurora_stat_logical_wal_cache function.

=> SELECT * FROM aurora_stat_logical_wal_cache(); name | active_pid | cache_hit | cache_miss | blks_read | hit_rate | last_reset_timestamp ------------+------------+-----------+------------+-----------+----------+------------------------------- test_slot1 | 79183 | 24 | 0 | 24 | 100.00% | 2022-08-05 17:39:56.830635+00 test_slot2 | | 1 | 0 | 1 | 100.00% | 2022-08-05 17:34:04.036795+00 (2 rows)