pgtle.uninstall_update_path_if_exists - Amazon Aurora


The uninstall_update_path_if_exists function is similar to uninstall_update_path in that it removes the specified update path from a TLE extension. However, if the update path doesn't exist, this function doesn't raise an error message. Instead, the function returns false.

Function prototype

pgtle.uninstall_update_path_if_exists(extname text, fromvers text, tovers text)




  • extname – The name of the TLE extension. This value is used when calling CREATE EXTENSION.

  • fromvers – The source version of the TLE extension used on the update path.

  • tovers – The destination version of the TLE extension used on the update path.


  • true – The function has successfully updated the path for the TLE extension.

  • false – The function wasn't able to update the path for the TLE extension.

Usage example

SELECT * FROM pgtle.uninstall_update_path_if_exists('pg_tle_test', '0.1', '0.2');