Node.js and DAX - Amazon DynamoDB

Node.js and DAX

Follow these steps to run the Node.js sample application on your Amazon EC2 instance.

To run the Node.js sample for DAX
  1. Set up Node.js on your Amazon EC2 instance, as follows:

    1. Install node version manager (nvm).

      curl -o- | bash
    2. Use nvm to install Node.js.

      nvm install 12.16.3
    3. Test that Node.js is installed and running correctly.

      node -e "console.log('Running Node.js ' + process.version)"

      This should display the following message.

      Running Node.js v12.16.3

  2. Install the DAX Node.js client using the node package manager (npm).

    npm install amazon-dax-client
  3. Download the sample program source code (.zip file).


    When the download is complete, extract the source files.

  4. Run the following Node.js programs. The first program creates an Amazon DynamoDB table named TryDaxTable. The second program writes data to the table.

    node 01-create-table.js node 02-write-data.js
  5. Run the following Node.js programs.

    node 03-getitem-test.js node 04-query-test.js node 05-scan-test.js

    Take note of the timing information—the number of milliseconds required for the GetItem, Query, and Scan tests.

  6. In the previous step, you ran the programs against the DynamoDB endpoint. Run the programs again, but this time, the GetItem, Query and Scan operations are processed by your DAX cluster.

    To determine the endpoint for your DAX cluster, choose one of the following.

    • Using the DynamoDB console—Choose your DAX cluster. The cluster endpoint is shown on the console, as in the following example.

    • Using the AWS CLI—Enter the following command.

      aws dax describe-clusters --query "Clusters[*].ClusterDiscoveryEndpoint"

      The cluster endpoint is shown in the output, as in the following example.

      { "Address": "", "Port": 8111, "URL": "dax://" }

    Now run the programs again, but this time, specify the cluster endpoint as a command line parameter.

    node 03-getitem-test.js dax:// node 04-query-test.js dax:// node 05-scan-test.js dax://

    Look at the rest of the output, and take note of the timing information. The elapsed times for GetItem, Query, and Scan should be significantly lower with DAX than with DynamoDB.

  7. Run the following Node.js program to delete TryDaxTable.

    node 06-delete-table

For more information about these programs, see the following sections: