GlacierJobDescription - Amazon S3 Glacier

If you're new to archival storage in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), we recommend that you start by learning more about the S3 Glacier storage classes in Amazon S3, S3 Glacier Instant Retrieval, S3 Glacier Flexible Retrieval, and S3 Glacier Deep Archive. For more information, see S3 Glacier storage classes and Storage classes for archiving objects in the Amazon S3 User Guide.


Contains the description of an Amazon S3 Glacier (S3 Glacier) job.



The job type. It is either ArchiveRetrieval, InventoryRetrieval, or Select.

Type: String


The archive ID requested for a select or archive retrieval job. Otherwise, this field is null.

Type: String


The SHA256 tree hash of the entire archive for an archive retrieval. For inventory retrieval jobs, this field is null.

Type: String


For an ArchiveRetrieval job, this is the size in bytes of the archive being requested for download. For the InventoryRetrieval job, the value is null.

Type: Number


true if the job is completed; false otherwise.

Type: Boolean


The date when the job completed.

The Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) time that the job request completed. While the job is in progress, the value is null.

Type: A string representation in the ISO 8601 date format, for example 2013-03-20T17:03:43.221Z.


The Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) date the job started.

Type: A string representation in the ISO 8601 date format, for example 2013-03-20T17:03:43.221Z.


Input parameters used for a range inventory retrieval.

Type: InventoryRetrievalJobInput object


For an InventoryRetrieval job, this is the size in bytes of the inventory requested for download. For the ArchiveRetrieval or Select job, the value is null.

Type: Number


The job description that you provided when you initiated the job.

Type: String


The ID that identifies the job in S3 Glacier.

Type: String


Contains the job output location.

Type: String


An object that contains information about the location where the select job results and errors are stored.

Type: OutputLocation object


The retrieved byte range for archive retrieval jobs in the form "StartByteValue-EndByteValue." If no range was specified in the archive retrieval, then the whole archive is retrieved and StartByteValue equals 0 and EndByteValue equals the size of the archive minus 1. For inventory retrieval jobs, this field is null.

Type: String


An object that contains information about the parameters used for a select.

Type: SelectParameters object


The SHA256 tree hash value for the requested range of an archive. If the Initiate Job (POST jobs) request for an archive specified a tree-hash aligned range, then this field returns a value. For more information about tree-hash alignment for archive range retrievals, see Receiving Checksums When Downloading Data.

For the specific case in which the whole archive is retrieved, this value is the same as the ArchiveSHA256TreeHash value.

This field is null in the following situations:

  • Archive retrieval jobs that specify a range that is not tree-hash aligned.

  • Archival jobs that specify a range that is equal to the whole archive and the job status is InProgress.

  • Inventory jobs.

  • Select jobs.

Type: String


The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that represents an Amazon SNS topic where notification of job completion or failure is sent, if notification was configured in the job initiation (Initiate Job (POST jobs)).

Type: String


The code indicating the status of the job.

Valid Values: InProgress | Succeeded | Failed

Type: String


The job status message.

Type: String


The data access tier to use for the select or archive retrieval.

Valid Values: Expedited | Standard | Bulk

Type: String


The ARN of the vault of which the job is a subresource.

Type: String

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