JSON SerDe libraries - Amazon Athena

JSON SerDe libraries

In Athena, you can use SerDe libraries to deserialize JSON data. Deserialization converts the JSON data so that it can be serialized (written out) into a different format like Parquet or ORC.


The Hive and OpenX libraries expect JSON data to be on a single line (not formatted), with records separated by a new line character.

Because Amazon Ion is a superset of JSON, you can use the Amazon Ion Hive SerDe to query non-Amazon Ion JSON datasets. Unlike the Hive and OpenX JSON SerDe libraries, the Amazon Ion SerDe does not expect each row of data to be on a single line. This feature is useful if you want to query JSON datasets that are in "pretty print" format or otherwise break up the fields in a row with newline characters.

Library names

Use one of the following:




Additional resources

For more information about working with JSON and nested JSON in Athena, see the following resources: