Non-API events captured by CloudTrail - AWS CloudTrail

Non-API events captured by CloudTrail

In addition to logging AWS API calls, CloudTrail captures other related events that might have a security or compliance impact on your AWS account or that might help you troubleshoot operational problems.

  • AWS service events – CloudTrail supports logging non-API service events. These events are created by AWS services but are not directly triggered by a request to a public AWS API. For these events, the eventType field is AwsServiceEvent.

  • AWS Management Console sign-in events – CloudTrail logs attempts to sign in to the AWS Management Console, the AWS Discussion Forums, and the AWS Support Center. All IAM user and root user sign-in events, as well as all federated user sign-in events, generate records in CloudTrail. For sign-in events, the eventType field is AwsConsoleSignIn.