Import trail events to an event data store with the AWS CLI - AWS CloudTrail

Import trail events to an event data store with the AWS CLI

This section shows how to create and configure an event data store by running the create-event-data-store command and then how to import the events to that event data store by using the start-import command. For more information about importing trail events, see Copy trail events to an event data store.

Preparing to import trail events

Before you import trail events, make the following preparations.

  • Be sure you have a role with the required permissions to import trail events to an event data store.

  • Determine the --billing-mode value you want to specify for the event data store. The --billing-mode determines the cost of ingesting and storing events, and the default and maximum retention period for the event data store.

    When you import trail events to CloudTrail Lake, CloudTrail unzips the logs that are stored in gzip (compressed) format. Then CloudTrail copies the events contained in the logs to your event data store. The size of the uncompressed data could be greater than the actual Amazon S3 storage size. To get a general estimate of the size of the uncompressed data, multiply the size of the logs in the S3 bucket by 10. You can use this estimate to choose the --billing-mode value for your use case.

  • Determine the value you want to specify for the --retention-period. CloudTrail will not copy an event if its eventTime is older than the specified retention period.

    To determine the appropriate retention period, take the sum of the oldest event you want to copy in days and the number of days you want to retain the events in the event data store as demonstrated in this equation:

    Retention period = oldest-event-in-days + number-days-to-retain

    For example, if the oldest event you're copying is 45 days old and you want to keep the events in the event data store for a further 45 days, you would set the retention period to 90 days.

  • Decide whether you want to use the event data store to analyze any future events. If you don't want to ingest any future events, include the --no-start-ingestion parameter when you create the event data store. By default, event data store's begin ingesting events when they're created.

To create an event data store and import trail events to that event data store

  1. Run the create-event-data-store command to create the new event data store. In this example, the --retention-period is set to 120 because the oldest event being copied is 90 days old and we want to retain the events for 30 days. The --no-start-ingestion parameter is set because we don't want to ingest any future events. In this example, --billing-mode wasn't set, because we are using the default value EXTENDABLE_RETENTION_PRICING as we expect to ingest less than 25 TB of event data.


    If you're creating the event data store to replace your trail, we recommend configuring the --advanced-event-selectors to match the event selectors of your trail to ensure you have the same event coverage. By default, event data stores log all management events.

    aws cloudtrail create-event-data-store --name import-trail-eds --retention-period 120 --no-start-ingestion

    The following is the example response:

    { "EventDataStoreArn": "arn:aws:cloudtrail:us-east-1:123456789012:eventdatastore/EXAMPLEa-4357-45cd-bce5-17ec652719d9", "Name": "import-trail-eds", "Status": "CREATED", "AdvancedEventSelectors": [ { "Name": "Default management events", "FieldSelectors": [ { "Field": "eventCategory", "Equals": [ "Management" ] } ] } ], "MultiRegionEnabled": true, "OrganizationEnabled": false, "BillingMode": "EXTENDABLE_RETENTION_PRICING", "RetentionPeriod": 120, "TerminationProtectionEnabled": true, "CreatedTimestamp": "2023-11-09T16:52:25.444000+00:00", "UpdatedTimestamp": "2023-11-09T16:52:25.569000+00:00" }

    The initial Status is CREATED so we'll run the get-event-data-store command to verify ingestion is stopped.

    aws cloudtrail get-event-data-store --event-data-store eds-id

    The response shows the Status is now STOPPED_INGESTION, which indicates the event data store is not ingesting live events.

    { "EventDataStoreArn": "arn:aws:cloudtrail:us-east-1:123456789012:eventdatastore/EXAMPLEa-4357-45cd-bce5-17ec652719d9", "Name": "import-trail-eds", "Status": "STOPPED_INGESTION", "AdvancedEventSelectors": [ { "Name": "Default management events", "FieldSelectors": [ { "Field": "eventCategory", "Equals": [ "Management" ] } ] } ], "MultiRegionEnabled": true, "OrganizationEnabled": false, "BillingMode": "EXTENDABLE_RETENTION_PRICING", "RetentionPeriod": 120, "TerminationProtectionEnabled": true, "CreatedTimestamp": "2023-11-09T16:52:25.444000+00:00", "UpdatedTimestamp": "2023-11-09T16:52:25.569000+00:00" }
  2. Run the start-import command to import the trail events to the event data store created in step 1. Specify the ARN (or ID suffix of the ARN) of the event data store as the value for the --destinations parameter. For --start-event-time specify the eventTime for the oldest event you want to copy and for --end-event-time specify the eventTime of the newest event you want to copy. For --import-source specify the S3 URI for the S3 bucket containing your trail logs, the AWS Region for the S3 bucket, and the ARN of the role used for importing trail events.

    aws cloudtrail start-import \ --destinations ["arn:aws:cloudtrail:us-east-1:123456789012:eventdatastore/EXAMPLEa-4357-45cd-bce5-17ec652719d9"] \ --start-event-time 2023-08-11T16:08:12.934000+00:00 \ --end-event-time 2023-11-09T17:08:20.705000+00:00 \ --import-source {"S3": {"S3LocationUri": "s3://aws-cloudtrail-logs-123456789012-612ff1f6/AWSLogs/123456789012/CloudTrail/","S3BucketRegion":"us-east-1","S3BucketAccessRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/service-role/CloudTrailLake-us-east-1-copy-events-eds"}}

    The following is an example response.

    { "CreatedTimestamp": "2023-11-09T17:08:20.705000+00:00", "Destinations": [ "arn:aws:cloudtrail:us-east-1:123456789012:eventdatastore/EXAMPLEa-4357-45cd-bce5-17ec652719d9" ], "EndEventTime": "2023-11-09T17:08:20.705000+00:00", "ImportId": "EXAMPLEe-7be2-4658-9204-b38c3257fcd1", "ImportSource": { "S3": { "S3BucketAccessRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/service-role/CloudTrailLake-us-east-1-copy-events-eds", "S3BucketRegion":"us-east-1", "S3LocationUri": "s3://aws-cloudtrail-logs-123456789012-111ff1f6/AWSLogs/123456789012/CloudTrail/" } }, "ImportStatus": "INITIALIZING", "StartEventTime": "2023-08-11T16:08:12.934000+00:00", "UpdatedTimestamp": "2023-11-09T17:08:20.806000+00:00" }
  3. Run the get-import command to get information about the import.

    aws cloudtrail get-import --import-id import-id

    The following is an example response.

    { "ImportId": "EXAMPLEe-7be2-4658-9204-b38c3EXAMPLE", "Destinations": [ "arn:aws:cloudtrail:us-east-1:123456789012:eventdatastore/EXAMPLEa-4357-45cd-bce5-17ec652719d9" ], "ImportSource": { "S3": { "S3LocationUri": "s3://aws-cloudtrail-logs-123456789012-111ff1f6/AWSLogs/123456789012/CloudTrail/", "S3BucketRegion":"us-east-1", "S3BucketAccessRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/service-role/CloudTrailLake-us-east-1-copy-events-eds" } }, "StartEventTime": "2023-08-11T16:08:12.934000+00:00", "EndEventTime": "2023-11-09T17:08:20.705000+00:00", "ImportStatus": "COMPLETED", "CreatedTimestamp": "2023-11-09T17:08:20.705000+00:00", "ImportStatistics": { "PrefixesFound": 1548, "PrefixesCompleted": 1548, "FilesCompleted": 92845, "EventsCompleted": 577249, "FailedEntries": 0 } }

    An import finishes with an ImportStatus of COMPLETED if there were no failures, or FAILED if there were failures.

    If the import had FailedEntries, you can run the list-import-failures command to return a list of failures.

    aws cloudtrail list-import-failures --import-id import-id

    To retry an import that had failures, run the start-import command with only the --import-id parameter. When you retry an import, CloudTrail resumes the import at the location where the failure occurred.

    aws cloudtrail start-import --import-id import-id