Working with deployment configurations in CodeDeploy - AWS CodeDeploy

Working with deployment configurations in CodeDeploy

A deployment configuration is a set of rules and success and failure conditions used by CodeDeploy during a deployment. These rules and conditions are different, depending on whether you deploy to an EC2/On-Premises compute platform, AWS Lambda compute platform, or Amazon ECS compute platform.

Deployment configurations on an EC2/on-premises compute platform

When you deploy to an EC2/On-Premises compute platform, the deployment configuration specifies, through the use of a 'minimum healthy hosts' value and an optional 'minimum healthy hosts per zone' value, the number or percentage of instances that must remain available at any time during a deployment.

You can use one of the three predefined deployment configurations provided by AWS or create a custom deployment configuration. For more information about creating custom deployment configurations, see Create a Deployment Configuration. If you don't specify a deployment configuration, CodeDeploy uses the CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime deployment configuration.

For more information about how CodeDeploy monitors and evaluates instance health during a deployment, see Instance Health. To view a list of deployment configurations already registered to your AWS account, see View Deployment Configuration Details.

Predefined deployment configurations for an EC2/on-premises compute platform

The following table lists the predefined deployment configurations.


There are no predefined deployment configurations that support the zonal configuration feature (which is the feature that lets you specify the number of healthy hosts per Availability Zone). If you want to use this feature, you must create your own deployment configuration.

Deployment configuration Description

In-place deployments:

Attempts to deploy an application revision to as many instances as possible at once. The status of the overall deployment is displayed as Succeeded if the application revision is deployed to one or more of the instances. The status of the overall deployment is displayed as Failed if the application revision is not deployed to any of the instances. Using an example of nine instances, CodeDeployDefault.AllAtOnce attempts to deploy to all nine instances at once. The overall deployment succeeds if deployment to even a single instance is successful. It fails only if deployments to all nine instances fail.

Blue/green deployments:

  • Deployment to replacement environment: Follows the same deployment rules as CodeDeployDefault.AllAtOnce for in-place deployments.

  • Traffic rerouting: Routes traffic to all instances in the replacement environment at once. Succeeds if traffic is successfully rerouted to at least one instance. Fails after rerouting to all instances fails.


In-place deployments:

Deploys to up to half of the instances at a time (with fractions rounded down). The overall deployment succeeds if the application revision is deployed to at least half of the instances (with fractions rounded up). Otherwise, the deployment fails. In the example of nine instances, it deploys to up to four instances at a time. The overall deployment succeeds if deployment to five or more instances succeed. Otherwise, the deployment fails.


If you're deploying to instances in multiple Auto Scaling groups, CodeDeploy will deploy to up to half of the instances at a time regardless of the Auto Scaling group they're in. For example, let's assume you have two Auto Scaling groups, ASG1 and ASG2, each with 10 instances. In this scenario, CodeDeploy might deploy to 10 instances in just ASG1 and consider this a success because it has deployed to at least half of the instances.

Blue/green deployments:

  • Deployment to replacement environment: Follows the same deployment rules as CodeDeployDefault.HalfAtATime for in-place deployments.

  • Traffic rerouting: Routes traffic to up to half the instances in the replacement environment at a time. Succeeds if rerouting to at least half of the instances succeeds. Otherwise, fails.


In-place deployments:

Deploys the application revision to only one instance at a time.

For deployment groups that contain more than one instance:

  • The overall deployment succeeds if the application revision is deployed to all of the instances. The exception to this rule is that if deployment to the last instance fails, the overall deployment still succeeds. This is because CodeDeploy allows only one instance at a time to be taken offline with the CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime configuration.

  • The overall deployment fails as soon as the application revision fails to be deployed to any but the last instance.

  • In an example using nine instances, it deploys to one instance at a time. The overall deployment succeeds if deployment to the first eight instances is successful. The overall deployment fails if deployment to any of the first eight instances fails.

For deployment groups that contain only one instance, the overall deployment is successful only if deployment to the single instance is successful.

Blue/green deployments:

  • Deployment to replacement environment: Follows same deployment rules as CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime for in-place deployments.

  • Traffic rerouting: Routes traffic to one instance in the replacement environment at a time. Succeeds if traffic is successfully rerouted to all replacement instances. Fails after the very first rerouting failure. The exception to this rule is that if the last instance fails to register, the overall deployment still succeeds.

Deployment configurations on an Amazon ECS compute platform

When you deploy to an Amazon ECS compute platform, the deployment configuration specifies how traffic is shifted to the updated Amazon ECS task set. You can shift traffic using a canary, linear, or all-at-once deployment configuration. For more information, see Deployment configuration.

You can also create your own custom canary or linear deployment configuration. For more information, see Create a Deployment Configuration.

Predefined deployment configurations for an Amazon ECS compute platform

The following table lists the predefined configurations available for Amazon ECS deployments.


If you're using a Network Load Balancer, only the CodeDeployDefault.ECSAllAtOnce predefined deployment configuration is supported.

Deployment configuration Description


Shifts 10 percent of traffic every minute until all traffic is shifted.


Shifts 10 percent of traffic every three minutes until all traffic is shifted.


Shifts 10 percent of traffic in the first increment. The remaining 90 percent is deployed five minutes later.


Shifts 10 percent of traffic in the first increment. The remaining 90 percent is deployed 15 minutes later.


Shifts all traffic to the updated Amazon ECS container at once.

Deployment configurations for AWS CloudFormation blue/green deployments (Amazon ECS)

When you deploy to an Amazon ECS compute platform through AWS CloudFormation blue/green deployments, the deployment configuration specifies how traffic is shifted to the updated Amazon ECS container. You can shift traffic using a canary, linear, or all-at-once deployment configuration. For more information, see Deployment configuration.

With AWS CloudFormation blue/green deployments, you cannot create your own custom canary or linear deployment configuration. For step-by-step instructions on using AWS CloudFormation to manage your Amazon ECS blue/green deployments, see Automate ECS blue/green deployments through CodeDeploy using AWS CloudFormation in the AWS CloudFormation User Guide.


Managing Amazon ECS blue/green deployments with AWS CloudFormation is not available in the Europe (Milan), Africa (Cape Town), and Asia Pacific (Osaka) regions.

Deployment configurations on an AWS Lambda compute platform

When you deploy to an AWS Lambda compute platform, the deployment configuration specifies the way traffic is shifted to the new Lambda function versions in your application. You can shift traffic using a canary, linear, or all-at-once deployment configuration. For more information, see Deployment configuration.

You can also create your own custom canary or linear deployment configuration. For more information, see Create a Deployment Configuration.

Predefined deployment configurations for an AWS Lambda compute platform

The following table lists the predefined configurations available for AWS Lambda deployments.

Deployment configuration Description


Shifts 10 percent of traffic in the first increment. The remaining 90 percent is deployed five minutes later.


Shifts 10 percent of traffic in the first increment. The remaining 90 percent is deployed 10 minutes later.


Shifts 10 percent of traffic in the first increment. The remaining 90 percent is deployed 15 minutes later.


Shifts 10 percent of traffic in the first increment. The remaining 90 percent is deployed 30 minutes later.


Shifts 10 percent of traffic every minute until all traffic is shifted.


Shifts 10 percent of traffic every two minutes until all traffic is shifted.


Shifts 10 percent of traffic every three minutes until all traffic is shifted.

CodeDeployDefault.LambdaLinear10PercentEvery10Minutes Shifts 10 percent of traffic every 10 minutes until all traffic is shifted.

Shifts all traffic to the updated Lambda functions at once.
