Create an Amazon ECS Compute Platform deployment (console) - AWS CodeDeploy

Create an Amazon ECS Compute Platform deployment (console)

This topic shows you how to deploy an Amazon ECS service using the console. For more information, see Tutorial: Deploy an application into Amazon ECS and Tutorial: Deploy an Amazon ECS service with a validation test.

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CodeDeploy console at


    Sign in with the same user that you set up in Getting started with CodeDeploy.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • If you want to deploy an application, in the navigation pane, expand Deploy, and then choose Applications. Choose the name of the application you want to deploy. Make sure the Compute platform column for your application is Amazon ECS.

    • If you want to redeploy a deployment, in the navigation pane, expand Deploy, and then choose Deployments. Choose the deployment you want to redeploy, and in the Application column, choose the name of its application. Make sure the Compute platform column for your deployment is Amazon ECS.

  3. On the Deployments tab, choose Create deployment.


    Your application must have a deployment group before it can be deployed. If your application does not have a deployment group, on the Deployment groups tab, choose Create deployment group. For more information, see Create a deployment group with CodeDeploy.

  4. In Deployment group, choose a deployment group to use for this deployment.

  5. Next to Revision location, choose where your revision is located:

  6. (Optional) In Deployment description, enter a description for this deployment.

  7. (Optional) In Rollback configuration overrides, you can specify different automatic rollback options for this deployment than were specified for the deployment group, if any.

    For information about rollbacks in CodeDeploy, see Redeployments and deployment rollbacks and Redeploy and roll back a deployment with CodeDeploy.

    Choose from the following:

    • Roll back when a deployment fails — CodeDeploy redeploys the last known good revision as a new deployment.

    • Roll back when alarm thresholds are met — If alarms were added to the deployment group, CodeDeploy redeploys the last known good revision when one or more of the specified alarms is activated.

    • Disable rollbacks — Do not perform rollbacks for this deployment.

  8. Choose Create deployment.

    To track the status of your deployment, see View CodeDeploy deployment details .