Working with on-premises instances for CodeDeploy - AWS CodeDeploy

Working with on-premises instances for CodeDeploy

An on-premises instance is any physical device that is not an Amazon EC2 instance that can run the CodeDeploy agent and connect to public AWS service endpoints.

Deploying a CodeDeploy application revision to an on-premises instance involves two major steps:

If you don't want an on-premises instance to be used in deployments anymore, you can remove the on-premises instance tags from the deployment groups. For a more robust approach, remove the on-premises instance tags from the instance. You can also explicitly deregister an on-premises instance so it can no longer be used in any deployments. For more information, see Managing on-premises instances operations in CodeDeploy.

The instructions in this section show you how to configure an on-premises instance and then register and tag it with CodeDeploy so it can be used in deployments. This section also describes how to use CodeDeploy to get information about on-premises instances and deregister an on-premises instance after you're no longer planning to deploy to it.