Amazon FinSpace quotas - AWS General Reference

Amazon FinSpace quotas

The following are the service quotas for this service. Service quotas, also referred to as limits, are the maximum number of service resources or operations for your AWS account. For more information, see AWS service quotas.

Service quotas

Name Default Adjustable Description
Attribute sets Each supported Region: 100 Yes The maximum number of attribute sets that can exist in a FinSpace environment.
Clusters per user Each supported Region: 1 No The maximum number of FinSpace Spark clusters that can be active for each user.
Concurrent changesets processing Each supported Region: 10 Yes The maximum number of concurrent changesets that can be processing per FinSpace environment
Concurrent data views processing Each supported Region: 10 Yes The maximum number of concurrently running data views processing per FinSpace environment.
Concurrent dataview version processing Each supported Region: 10 Yes The maximum number of concurrent Managed kdb dataview version processing.
Controlled vocabularies and categories Each supported Region: 100 Yes The maximum combined number of controlled vocabularies and categories per FinSpace environment.
Data views per dataset Each supported Region: 3 Yes The maximum number of data views that can be created per dataset.
Datasets Each supported Region: 1,500 Yes The maximum number of datasets that can exist in a FinSpace environment.
Datasets per permission group Each supported Region: 1,500 Yes The maximum number of datasets assigned per permission group.
Environments Each supported Region: 2 Yes The maximum number of FinSpace environments you can create per AWS account.
File size per changeset Each supported Region: 50 Gigabytes No The maximum file size of any single file in a changeset.
Files per changeset Each supported Region: 100,000 No The maximum number of files in a single changeset.
Managed kdb cluster users Each supported Region: 1,000 Yes The maximum number of cluster users per environment.
Managed kdb clusters Each supported Region: 10 Yes The maximum number of clusters allowed per environment.
Managed kdb concurrent changeset ingestions Each supported Region: 10 Yes The maximum number of concurrent changeset ingestions allowed per environment.
Managed kdb database cluster cache size Each supported Region: 7,730 Gigabytes Yes The maximum amount of database cluster cache allowed per environment.
Managed kdb databases Each supported Region: 1,500 Yes The maximum number of databases allowed per environment.
Managed kdb dataviews Each supported Region: 4,500 Yes The maximum number of Managed kdb dataviews per environment.
Managed kdb multi-AZ clusters Each supported Region: 1 Yes The maximum number of multi-AZ clusters per environment.
Managed kdb savedown storage Each supported Region: 17,179 Gigabytes Yes The maximum amount of savedown storage allowed per environment.
Managed kdb scaling groups Each supported Region: 10 Yes The maximum number of Managed kdb scaling groups per environment.
Managed kdb single-AZ clusters Each supported Region: 5 Yes The maximum number of single-AZ clusters per environment.
Managed kdb volume read mounts Each supported Region: 5 Yes The maximum number of read mounts per Managed kdb volume per environment.
Managed kdb volume storage Each supported Region: 7,730 Gigabytes Yes The maximum amount of storage for Managed kdb volumes per environment.
Managed kdb volume write mounts Each supported Region: 5 Yes The maximum number of write mounts per Managed kdb volume per environment.
Managed kdb volumes Each supported Region: 5 Yes The maximum number of Managed kdb volumes per environment.
Notebook storage Each supported Region: 10 Gigabytes No The maximum amount of EFS storage per user notebook environment.
Permission groups Each supported Region: 20 Yes The maximum number of permission groups per FinSpace environment.
Total kdb environments Each supported Region: 1 No The maximum number of environments per AWS account.
Users Each supported Region: 5 Yes The maximum number of users that can exist in a FinSpace environment.
kx.s.16xlarge nodes Each supported Region: 0 Yes The maximum number of kx.s.16xlarge nodes allowed per environment.
kx.s.2xlarge nodes Each supported Region: 5 Yes The maximum number of kx.s.2xlarge nodes allowed per environment.
kx.s.32xlarge nodes Each supported Region: 0 Yes The maximum number of kx.s.32xlarge nodes allowed per environment.
kx.s.4xlarge nodes Each supported Region: 1 Yes The maximum number of kx.s.4xlarge nodes allowed per environment.
kx.s.8xlarge nodes Each supported Region: 1 Yes The maximum number of kx.s.8xlarge nodes allowed per environment.
kx.s.large nodes Each supported Region: 5 Yes The maximum number of kx.s.large nodes allowed per environment.
kx.s.xlarge nodes Each supported Region: 5 Yes The maximum number of kx.s.xlarge nodes allowed per environment. scaling group nodes Each supported Region: 0 Yes The maximum number of Managed kdb scaling group nodes per environment. scaling group nodes Each supported Region: 1 Yes The maximum number of Managed kdb scaling group nodes per environment. scaling group nodes Each supported Region: 0 Yes The maximum number of Managed kdb scaling group nodes per environment. scaling group nodes Each supported Region: 1 Yes The maximum number of Managed kdb scaling group nodes per environment. scaling group nodes Each supported Region: 1 Yes The maximum number of Managed kdb scaling group nodes per environment. scaling group nodes Each supported Region: 1 Yes The maximum number of Managed kdb scaling group nodes per environment. scaling group nodes Each supported Region: 1 Yes The maximum number of Managed kdb scaling group nodes per environment.
kx.sg1.16xlarge scaling group nodes Each supported Region: 0 Yes The maximum number of kx.sg1.16xlarge Managed kdb scaling group nodes per environment.
kx.sg1.24xlarge scaling group nodes Each supported Region: 0 Yes The maximum number of kx.sg1.24xlarge Managed kdb scaling group nodes per environment.