Create a job from AWS managed templates by using the AWS Management Console - AWS IoT Core

Create a job from AWS managed templates by using the AWS Management Console

Use the AWS Management Console to get information about AWS managed templates and create a job by using these templates. You can then save the job you create as your own custom template.

Get details about managed templates

You can get information about the different managed templates that are available to use from the AWS IoT console.

  1. To see your available managed templates, go to the Job templates hub of the AWS IoT console and choose the Managed templates tab.

  2. To view details, choose a managed template.

The details page contains the following information:

  • Name, description, and Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the managed template.

  • The environment on which the remote operations can be performed, such as Linux.

  • The JSON job document that specifies the path to the job handler and the commands to run on the device. For example, the following shows an example job document for the AWS-Reboot template. The template shows the path to the job handler and the shell script,, that the job handler must run to reboot the device.

    { "version": "1.0", "steps": [ { "action": { "name": "Reboot", "type": "runHandler", "input": { "handler": "", "path": "${aws:iot:parameter:pathToHandler}" }, "runAsUser": "${aws:iot:parameter:runAsUser}" } } ] }

    For more information about the job document and its parameters for various remote actions, see Managed template remote actions and job documents.

  • The latest version of the job document.

Create a job using managed templates

You can use the AWS Management console to choose an AWS managed template to use to create a job. This section shows you how.

You can also start the job creation workflow and then choose the AWS managed template that you want to use while creating the job. For more information about this workflow, see Create and manage jobs by using the AWS Management Console.

  1. Choose your AWS managed template

    Go to the Job templates hub of the AWS IoT console, choose the Managed templates tab, and then choose your template.

  2. Create a job using your managed template
    1. In the details page of your template, choose Create job.

      The console switches to the Custom job properties step of the Create job workflow where your template configuration has been added.

    2. Enter a unique alphanumeric job name, and optional description and tags, and then choose Next.

    3. Choose the things or thing groups as job targets that you want to run in this job.

    4. In the Job document section, your template is displayed with its configuration settings and input parameters. Enter values for the input parameters of your chosen template. For example, if you chose the AWS-Download-File template:

      • For downloadUrl, enter the URL of the file to download, for example:

      • For filePath, enter the path on the device to store the downloaded file, for example: path/to/file.

      You can also optionally enter values for the parameters runAsUser and pathToHandler. For more information about the input parameters of each template, see Managed template remote actions and job documents.

    5. On the Job configuration page, choose the job type as continuous or a snapshot job. A snapshot job is complete when it finishes its run on the target devices and groups. A continuous job applies to thing groups and runs on any device that you add to a specified target group.

    6. Continue to add any additional configurations for your job and then review and create your job. For information about the additional configurations, see:

Create custom job templates from managed templates

You can use an AWS managed template and a custom job as a starting point to create your own custom job template. To create a custom job template, first create a job from your AWS managed template as described in the previous section.

You can then save the custom job as a template to create your own custom job template. To save as template:

  1. Go to the Job hub of the AWS IoT console and choose the job containing your managed template.

  2. Choose Save as a job template and then create your custom job template. For more information about creating a custom job template, see Create a job template from an existing job.