Captions reference tables - MediaConvert

Captions reference tables

MediaConvert supports a wide range of captions conversion workflows. But you can't convert every supported input captions format to every supported output captions format. Each video container supports a subset of all possible captions types. Furthermore, MediaConvert supports a subset of all transformations theoretically allowed within the input and output video container type.

For information about how to set up captions in your input, see Setting up captions in AWS Elemental MediaConvert jobs.

For information about how to set up captions in your output, see Setting up captions in outputs.

To look up whether MediaConvert supports your captions workflow, choose the topic from the following list that corresponds to your input captions. Find the table that corresponds to your video output container. Then find the row for your input captions. Check the supported output captions format column to see the available output captions formats.