Identify the audio encodes - MediaLive

Identify the audio encodes

You must decide on the number of audio encodes. Follow this procedure for each output group.

  1. Determine the maximum number of encodes that are allowed in the output group. The following rules apply for each type of output group.

    Type of output group Rule for audio encodes
    Archive Zero or more audio encodes.
    CMAF Ingest Zero or more audio encodes. Typically, there are multiple audio encodes.
    Frame Capture Zero audio encodes.
    HLS or MediaPackage Zero or more audio encodes. Typically, there are multiple audio encodes.
    Microsoft Smooth Zero or more audio encodes. Typically, there are multiple audio encodes.
    RTMP Zero or one audio encodes.
    UDP One or more audio encodes.
  2. If the output group allows more than one audio encode, decide how many you want. These guidelines apply:

    • Each different combination of output codec, coding mode, and language is one encode.

      MediaLive can produce a specific coding mode only if the source contains that coding mode or a higher mode. For example, MediaLive can create 1.0 from a 1.0 or a 2.0 source. It can't create 5.1 from a 2.0 source.

    • MediaLive can produce a specific language only if the source contains that language.

    • MediaLive can produce more than one encode for a given language.

      For example, you could choose to include Spanish in Dolby 5.1 and in AAC 2.0.

    • There is no requirement for the count of encodes to be the same for all languages. For example, you could create two encodes for Spanish, and only one encode for the other languages.

  3. Identify the bitrate for each audio encode. You might have obtained requirements or recommendations from your downstream system when you identified the output encodes.