Supported color space standards - MediaLive

Supported color space standards

Each color space standard follows a specific standard for the color space, and specific standards for the three sets of color data.

To read this table, find a color space in the first column, then read across to identify the standards for the color space and the three sets of color data.

MediaLive term for the color space

Complies with this color space standard

Complies with this brightness function standard

Complies with this standard for display metadata

Rec. 601 or Rec. 601

Rec. 601


Not applicable. This color space doesn't include display metadata.

Rec. 709 or Rec. 709

Rec. 709


Not applicable. This color space doesn't include display metadata.


Rec. 2020

SMPTE ST 2084 (PQ)


HLG or HLG 2020

Rec. 2020

HLG rec. 2020

Not applicable. This color space doesn't include display metadata.

Dolby Vision 8.1

Rec. 2020

SMPTE ST 2084 (PQ)

Proprietary Dolby Vision 8.1 metadata (RPU), on a per-frame basis, and SMPTE ST 2086 on a per-stream basis.