Result when passing through color space - MediaLive

Result when passing through color space

Read this section if you set up one or more MediaLive outputs to pass through the color space. The following table shows how MediaLive handles each type of color space that it encounters in the source.

Color space that MediaLive encounters

How MediaLive handles the color space

Content in any color space that MediaLive supports

Doesn't touch the color space or brightness (the pixel values) in the output.

Passes through any of the three sets of metadata that are present.

Content in a color space that MediaLive supports, but that isn't supported for the output codec.

This conversion isn't supported. After conversion, the color map of the content will be completely wrong.
Content marked with unknown or an unsupported color space

Doesn't touch the color space or brightness (the pixel values) in the output.

Leaves the content as marked with the unknown color space.

Passes through any brightness metadata and display metadata.

Content with no color space metadata

Doesn't touch the color space or brightness (the pixel values) in the output.

Leaves the content as unmarked (no color space metadata).