Reference: Location of fields - MediaLive

Reference: Location of fields

Read this section if you know how to handle color space in MediaLive, and you only need a reminder of where the fields are located in the MediaLive Console. The information is sorted by the location of the fields on the Channel page, from top to bottom.

Topic Location on the Channel page Field
Input handling Input attachments Video Selector Color space
Color space usage
Enter the display metadata for an input from a AWS Elemental Link device Input attachments Video Selector, then Color space settings Max CLL
Max Fall
Configure the channel to use 3D LUT files General settings Color correction settings Url

Input color space

Output color space

Output, configure the video codec Output groups, then Outputs Stream settings, then Video Codec settings
Stream settings, then Video, then Codec settings, then Codec details Profile
Output, convert the color space Output groups, then Outputs Stream settings, then Video, then Color space Color space settings
Output, include or omit color space metadata Output groups, then Outputs Stream settings, then Video, then Codec settings, then Codec details, then Additional settings Color metadata
Output, specify display metadata to include, only if you are converting to HDR10 Output groups, then Outputs Stream settings, then Video, then Color space, then Color space settings Max CLL
Max Fall
Output, set up enhanced VQ, only if the output codec is H.264 Output groups, then Outputs Stream settings, then Video, then Codec settings, then Additional encoding settings Quality level
Filter settings