Complete the settings for each input - MediaLive

Complete the settings for each input

As soon as you attach the input on the Attach input sections, the Input attachment section closes and the General input settings section appears for that input. You must complete these fields to configure the input:

  • Configure the input connection.

  • Identify the video, audio, and captions to extract from the input.

To configure the input
  1. Complete the fields as required. See the topics links below. For details about a field, choose the Info link next to the field on the MediaLive console:

    • For most fields, the default values are sufficient.

    • However, if you want to include audio and captions in the outputs, you must complete the Audio selectors and Caption selectors sections; the defaults do not specify enough information.

  2. Complete the following field in the General settings section in the navigation pane:

    • Global configuration - Input loss behavior. These fields configure how the channel behaves when it stops receiving content from any input. For more details, see Handling loss of video input. These fields apply to all inputs, therefore you only need to set them once for the entire channel.

  3. If you are setting up the channel with multiple inputs, add more inputs to the channel. For guidelines about implementing input switching, see Input switching.

  4. When ready, go to the next step.