Requirements for AWS Elemental Link - MediaLive

Requirements for AWS Elemental Link

Your organization might deploy AWS Elemental Link hardware devices in one or both of these ways:

  • As the video source for the input that you attach to an AWS Elemental MediaLive channel.

  • As the video source for an AWS Elemental MediaConnect flow.

This section describes the permissions that you (an IAM administrator) must assign to users and other AWS identities so that they can configure an AWS Elemental Link device to work with a MediaLive input or an MediaConnect flow. For more information about these devices, see Setting up AWS Elemental Link.

Read this information as follows:

  • Read this information if your organization has users who will both deploy devices and use those devices with MediaLive.

  • Your organization might also have users who will only work with MediaLive to deploy devices and configure them for use as sources, and you might want to follow a least permissions rule for those users. If this is the case, see Setting up users with IAM permissions.

You must assign permissions for actions in several services, as described in the following table.

Permissions Service name in IAM Actions
Deploy, configure, and view an AWS Elemental Link device MediaLive









Handle transfers of AWS Elemental Link devices MediaLive







On the MediaLive console, view MediaConnect flows in the dropdown list. This dropdown list appears in the Flow ARN field in the Attachments tab on the Device details page.

MediaConnect ListFlows

On the MediaLive console, view IAM roles in the dropdown list. This dropdown list appears in the Role ARN field in the Attachments tab on the Device details page.

IAM ListRoles

On the MediaLive console, view Secrets Manager secrets in the dropdown list. This dropdown list appears in the Secret ARN field in the Attachments tab on the Device details page.

Secrets Manager ListSecrets