Interacting with paginated reports in Amazon QuickSight - Amazon QuickSight

Interacting with paginated reports in Amazon QuickSight

To access a paginated report that you've been invited to share, follow the instructions in the invitation email. You can also access a paginated report if it's embedded into an application or website that you already have access to. When you open the report, the screen should look something like the following example.

To fit the paginated report to your screen, open the View menu at upper right and select Fit to window. You can also zoom in and out using the plus (+) and minus (-) icons on the top left corner of the report.

Exporting and printing reports

Paginated reports are designed to be viewed from a specific point of time. These reports, or snapshots, can be printed or downloaded as a PDF or CSV.

To export a paginated report report as a PDF
  1. From the paginated report that you want to export, choose the Export icon at the top right.

  2. Choose Generate PDF.

  3. When you choose Generate PDF, QuickSight will begin preparing the paginated report for download. When the report is ready, a green pop up will appear that says Your PDF is ready.

  4. There are two ways to download your report:

    • Choose DOWNLOAD NOW in the green pop-up.

    • Choose the Export icon at the top right, and then choose View downloads to view and download every report that is ready to download.

To export a paginated report as a CSV
  1. From the report that you want to export, choose the Scheduling icon at the top right, and then choose Recent snapshots.

  2. In the Recent snapshots menu that appears on the right, snapshots are sorted from most recently generated to the oldest. Snapshots are stored for up to 1 year. Find the report that you want to download and choose the download icon to the right of the report.

  3. In the report pop-up that appears, choose the download icon next to the version of the report that you want to doenload. You can choose to download the report as a CSV, or you can download the report as a PDF.

To print a paginated report
  1. From the report that you want to pring, choose the Export icon at the top right, and then choose Print.

  2. When you choose Print, your browser's printer pop-up appears. From here, you can print the PDF the same way you would print anything else on your browser.