Managing subscriptions - Amazon QuickSight

Managing subscriptions

You can purchase standard user subscriptions to get discounted pricing on Amazon QuickSight. When you invite additional users to Amazon QuickSight, you're charged for those accounts on a month-by-month basis. If you have Enterprise edition, you have the option to take advantage of pay-per-session pricing for reader accounts. These are users who only view data dashboards, and don't need author or admin access.

When you purchase an annual subscription, you pay for a QuickSight user account on an annual rather than monthly basis. With an annual subscription, you receive a discounted price in return for the extended time commitment. You don't need to purchase an annual subscription to create or add users. For more information about pricing, see Amazon QuickSight.

When you purchase a set of standard user subscriptions, you choose the number of accounts you want to cover. You also choose when to start the subscriptions (any time from the month following the current month, to one year in the future) and whether to autorenew them. All subscriptions that you purchase together must use the same values for these settings.

You can edit an existing set of user subscriptions to change whether it autorenews. If the set is not yet active, you can also change the number of subscriptions it covers, or delete it entirely.

Viewing current subscriptions

Use the following procedure to view your current user subscriptions.

To view your current user subscriptions
  1. Choose your user name on the application bar and then choose Manage QuickSight.

    Dropdown menu showing options including "Manage QuickSight" highlighted in red.
  2. Choose Manage pricing.

  3. Use the subscription meter to see how many accounts you have and how they are billed. In the following example, the account has 21 users total:

    • Seven users with annual subscriptions. Only currently active subscriptions are shown here.

    • 13 month-to-month users.

    Pause over any section of the meter bar to display details about that user segment.

  4. Use the information in the subscriptions table to see what current and future subscriptions you have.

Purchasing subscriptions

Use the following procedure to purchase subscriptions.

To purchase subscriptions
  1. Choose your user name on the application bar and then choose Manage QuickSight.

    Dropdown menu showing options including "Manage QuickSight" highlighted in red.
  2. Choose Manage pricing.

  3. Navigate to the Authors and Admins section, and then choose Purchase plan.

  4. Choose or enter the number of subscriptions you want.

  5. Choose the month and year when the subscriptions will start.

  6. Choose whether the subscriptions autorenew.

  7. Choose Purchase.

Editing subscriptions

Use the following procedure to edit subscriptions.

To edit subscriptions
  1. Choose your user name on the application bar and then choose Manage QuickSight.

    Dropdown menu showing options including "Manage QuickSight" highlighted in red.
  2. Choose Manage pricing.

  3. Next to the set of subscriptions you want to change, choose Manage.

  4. (Optional) If the subscriptions haven't started yet, change the number of subscriptions.

  5. Choose whether the subscriptions autorenew.

  6. Choose Save changes.

Deleting subscriptions

Use the following procedure to delete subscriptions. You can only delete subscriptions that haven't started yet.

To delete subscriptions
  1. Choose your user name on the application bar and then choose Manage QuickSight.

    Dropdown menu showing options including "Manage QuickSight" highlighted in red.
  2. Choose Manage pricing.

  3. Next to the set of subscriptions that you want to delete, choose Edit.

  4. Choose Delete Subscription.


If you use AWS Key Management Service or AWS Secrets Manager with Amazon QuickSight, you are billed for access and maintenance as described in the pricing pages for each AWS product. For more information on how these products are billed, see the following:

In your billing statement, the costs are itemized under the appropriate product and not under Amazon QuickSight.