Paginators in the AWS SDK for PHP Version 3 - AWS SDK for PHP

Paginators in the AWS SDK for PHP Version 3

Some AWS service operations are paginated and respond with truncated results. For example, the Amazon S3ListObjects operation only returns up to 1,000 objects at a time. Operations like these (typically prefixed with “list” or “describe”) require making subsequent requests with token (or marker) parameters to retrieve the entire set of results.

Paginators are a feature of the AWS SDK for PHP that act as an abstraction over this process to make it easier for developers to use paginated APIs. A paginator is essentially an iterator of results. They are created via the getPaginator() method of the client. When you call getPaginator(), you must provide the name of the operation and the operation’s arguments (in the same way you do when you execute an operation). You can iterate over a paginator object using foreach to get individual Aws\Result objects.

$results = $s3Client->getPaginator('ListObjects', [ 'Bucket' => 'amzn-s3-demo-bucket' ]); foreach ($results as $result) { foreach ($result['Contents'] as $object) { echo $object['Key'] . "\n"; } }

Paginator objects

The object returned by getPaginator() method is an instance of the Aws\ResultPaginator class. This class implements PHP’s native iterator interface, which is why it works with foreach. It can also be used with iterator functions, like iterator_to_array, and integrates well with SPL iterators like the LimitIterator object.

Paginator objects hold only one “page” of results at a time and are executed lazily. This means that they make only as many requests as they need to yield the current page of results. For example, the Amazon S3ListObjects operation only returns up to 1,000 objects at a time, so if your bucket has ~10,000 objects, the paginator would need to do 10 requests total. When you iterate through the results, the first request is executed when you start iterating, the second in the second iteration of the loop, and so on.

Enumerating data from results

Paginator objects have a method named search(), which allows you to create iterators for data within a set of results. When you call search(), provide a JMESPath expression to specify what data to extract. Calling search() returns an iterator that yields the results of the expression on each page of results. This is evaluated lazily, as you iterate through the returned iterator.

The following example is equivalent to the preceding code example, but uses the ResultPaginator::search() method to be more concise.

$results = $s3Client->getPaginator('ListObjects', [ 'Bucket' => 'amzn-s3-demo-bucket' ]); foreach ($results->search('Contents[].Key') as $key) { echo $key . "\n"; }

JMESPath expressions enable you to do fairly complex things. For example, if you wanted to print all of the object keys and common prefixes (i.e., do an ls of a bucket), you could do the following.

// List all prefixes ("directories") and objects ("files") in the bucket $results = $s3Client->getPaginator('ListObjects', [ 'Bucket' => 'amzn-s3-demo-bucket', 'Delimiter' => '/' ]); $expression = '[CommonPrefixes[].Prefix, Contents[].Key][]'; foreach ($results->search($expression) as $item) { echo $item . "\n"; }

Asynchronous pagination

You can iterate over the results of a paginator asynchronously by providing a callback for the each() method of an Aws\ResultPaginator. The callback is invoked for each value that is yielded by the paginator.

$results = $s3Client->getPaginator('ListObjects', [ 'Bucket' => 'amzn-s3-demo-bucket' ]); $promise = $results->each(function ($result) { echo 'Got ' . var_export($result, true) . "\n"; });

Using the each() method allows you to paginate over the results of an API operation while concurrently sending other requests asynchronously.

A non-null return value from the callback will be yielded by the underlying coroutine-based promise. This means that you can return promises from the callback that must be resolved before continuing iteration over the remaining items, essentially merging in other promises to the iteration. The last non-null value returned by the callback is the result that fulfills the promise to any downstream promises. If the last return value is a promise, the resolution of that promise is the result that fulfills or rejects downstream promises.

// Delete all keys that end with "Foo" $promise = $results->each(function ($result) use ($s3Client) { if (substr($result['Key'], -3) === 'Foo') { // Merge this promise into the iterator return $s3Client->deleteAsync([ 'Bucket' => 'amzn-s3-demo-bucket', 'Key' => 'Foo' ]); } }); $promise ->then(function ($result) { // Result would be the last result to the deleteAsync operation }) ->otherwise(function ($reason) { // Reason would be an exception that was encountered either in the // call to deleteAsync or calls performed while iterating }); // Forcing a synchronous wait will also wait on all of the deleteAsync calls $promise->wait();