Mapping targets for an automation - AWS Systems Manager

Mapping targets for an automation

Use the Targets parameter to quickly define which resources are targeted by an automation. For example, if you want to run an automation that restarts your managed instances, then instead of manually selecting dozens of instance IDs in the console or typing them in a command, you can target instances by specifying Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) tags with the Targets parameter.

When you run an automation that uses a target, AWS Systems Manager creates a child automation for each target. For example, if you target Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volumes by specifying tags, and those tags resolve to 100 Amazon EBS volumes, then Systems Manager creates 100 child automations. The parent automation is complete when all child automations reach a final state.


Any input parameters that you specify at runtime (either in the Input parameters section of the console or by using the parameters option from the command line) are automatically processed by all child automations.

You can target resources for an automation by using tags, Resource Groups,and parameter values. Additionally, you can use the TargetMaps option to target multiple parameter values from the command line or a file. The following section describes each of these targeting options in more detail.

Targeting a tag

You can specify a single tag as the target of an automation. Many AWS resources support tags, including Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) and Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) instances, Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volumes and snapshots, Resource Groups,and Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets, to name a few. You can quickly run automation on your AWS resources by targeting a tag. A tag is a key-value pair, such as Operating_System:Linux or Department:Finance. If you assign a specific name to a resource, then you can also use the word "Name" as a key, and the name of the resource as the value.

When you specify a tag as the target for an automation, you also specify a target parameter. The target parameter uses the TargetParameterName option. By choosing a target parameter, you define the type of resource on which the automation runs. The target parameter you specify with the tag must be a valid parameter defined in the runbook. For example, if you want to target dozens of EC2 instances by using tags, then choose the InstanceId target parameter. By choosing this parameter, you define instances as the resource type for the automation. When creating a custom runbook you must specify the Target type as /AWS::EC2::Instance to ensure only instances are used. Otherwise, all resources with the same tag will be targeted. When targeting instances with a tag, terminated instances might be included.

The following screenshot uses the AWS-DetachEBSVolume runbook. The logical target parameter is VolumeId.

Using a tag as a target for a Systems Manager Automation

The AWS-DetachEBSVolume runbook also includes a special property called Target type, which is set to /AWS::EC2::Volume. This means that if the tag-key pair Finance:TestEnv returns different types of resources (for example, EC2 instances, Amazon EBS volumes, Amazon EBS snapshots) then only Amazon EBS volumes will be used.


Target parameter names are case sensitive. If you run automations by using either the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) or AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell, then you must enter the target parameter name exactly as it's defined in the runbook. If you don't, the system returns an InvalidAutomationExecutionParametersException error. You can use the DescribeDocument API operation to see information about the available target parameters in a specific runbook. Following is an example AWS CLI command that provides information about the AWS-DeleteSnapshot document.

aws ssm describe-document \ --name AWS-DeleteSnapshot

Here are some example AWS CLI commands that target resources by using a tag.

Example 1: Targeting a tag using a key-value pair to restart Amazon EC2 instances

This example restarts all Amazon EC2 instances that are tagged with a key of Department and a value of HumanResources. The target parameter uses the InstanceId parameter from the runbook. The example uses an additional parameter to run the automation by using an Automation service role (also called an assume role).

aws ssm start-automation-execution \ --document-name AWS-RestartEC2Instance \ --targets Key=tag:Department,Values=HumanResources \ --target-parameter-name InstanceId \ --parameters "AutomationAssumeRole=arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/AutomationServiceRole"

Example 2: Targeting a tag using a key-value pair to delete Amazon EBS snapshots

The following example uses the AWS-DeleteSnapshot runbook to delete all snapshots with a key of Name and a value of January2018Backups. The target parameter uses the VolumeId parameter.

aws ssm start-automation-execution \ --document-name AWS-DeleteSnapshot \ --targets Key=tag:Name,Values=January2018Backups \ --target-parameter-name VolumeId

Targeting AWS Resource Groups

You can specify a single AWS resource group as the target of an automation. Systems Manager creates a child automation for every object in the target Resource Group.

For example, say that one of your Resource Groups is named PatchedAMIs. This Resource Group includes a list of 25 Windows Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) that are routinely patched. If you run an automation that uses the AWS-CreateManagedWindowsInstance runbook and target this Resource Group, then Systems Manager creates a child automation for each of the 25 AMIs. This means, that by targeting the PatchedAMIs Resource Group, the automation creates 25 instances from a list of patched AMIs. The parent automation is complete when all child automations complete processing or reach a final state.

The following AWS CLI command applies to the PatchAMIs Resource Group example. The command takes the AmiId parameter for the --target-parameter-name option. The command doesn't include an additional parameter defining which type of instance to create from each AMI. The AWS-CreateManagedWindowsInstance runbook defaults to the t2.medium instance type, so this command would create 25 t2.medium Amazon EC2 instances for Windows Server.

aws ssm start-automation-execution \ --document-name AWS-CreateManagedWindowsInstance \ --targets Key=ResourceGroup,Values=PatchedAMIs \ --target-parameter-name AmiId

The following console example uses a Resource Group called t2-micro-instances.

Targeting an AWS resource group with a Systems Manager automation

Targeting parameter values

You can also target a parameter value. You enter ParameterValues as the key and then enter the specific resource value where you want the automation to run. If you specify multiple values, Systems Manager runs a child automation on each value specified.

For example, say that your runbook includes an InstanceID parameter. If you target the values of the InstanceID parameter when you run the Automation, then Systems Manager runs a child automation for each instance ID value specified. The parent automation is complete when the automation finishes running each specified instance, or if the automation fails. You can target a maximum of 50 parameter values.

The following example uses the AWS-CreateImage runbook. The target parameter name specified is InstanceId. The key uses ParameterValues. The values are two Amazon EC2 instance IDs. This command creates an automation for each instance, which produces an AMI from each instance.

aws ssm start-automation-execution --document-name AWS-CreateImage \ --target-parameter-name InstanceId \ --targets Key=ParameterValues,Values=i-02573cafcfEXAMPLE,i-0471e04240EXAMPLE

AutomationAssumeRole isn't a valid parameter. Don’t choose this item when running automation that target a parameter value.

Targeting parameter value maps

The TargetMaps option expands your ability to target ParameterValues. You can enter an array of parameter values by using TargetMaps at the command line. You can specify a maximum of 50 parameter values at the command line. If you want to run commands that specify more than 50 parameter values, then you can enter the values in a JSON file. You can then call the file from the command line.


The TargetMaps option isn't supported in the console.

Use the following format to specify multiple parameter values by using the TargetMaps option in a command. Replace each example resource placeholder with your own information.

aws ssm start-automation-execution \ --document-name runbook name \ --target-maps “parameter=value, parameter 2=value, parameter 3=value” “parameter 4=value, parameter 5=value, parameter 6=value

If you want to enter more than 50 parameter values for the TargetMaps option, then specify the values in a file by using the following JSON format. Using a JSON file also improves readability when providing multiple parameter values.

[ {“parameter”: "value", “parameter 2”: "value", “parameter 3”: "value"}, {“parameter 4”: "value", “parameter 5”: "value", "parameter 6": "value"} ]

Save the file with a .json file extension. You can call the file by using the following command. Replace each example resource placeholder with your own information.

aws ssm start-automation-execution \ --document-name runbook name \ –-parameters input parameters \ --target-maps path to file/file name.json

You can also download the file from an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket, as long as you have permission to read data from the bucket. Use the following command format. Replace each example resource placeholder with your own information.

aws ssm start-automation-execution \ --document-name runbook name \ --target-maps

Here is an example scenario to help you understand the TargetMaps option. In this scenario, a user wants to create Amazon EC2 instances of different types from different AMIs. To perform this task, the user creates a runbook named AMI_Testing. This runbook defines two input parameters: instanceType and imageId.

{ "description": "AMI Testing", "schemaVersion": "0.3", "assumeRole": "{{assumeRole}}", "parameters": { "assumeRole": { "type": "String", "description": "Role under which to run the automation", "default": "" }, "instanceType": { "type": "String", "description": "Type of EC2 Instance to launch for this test" }, "imageId": { "type": "String", "description": "Source AMI id from which to run instance" } }, "mainSteps": [ { "name": "runInstances", "action": "aws:runInstances", "maxAttempts": 1, "onFailure": "Abort", "inputs": { "ImageId": "{{imageId}}", "InstanceType": "{{instanceType}}", "MinInstanceCount": 1, "MaxInstanceCount": 1 } } ], "outputs": [ "runInstances.InstanceIds" ] }

The user then specifies the following target parameter values in a file named AMI_instance_types.json.

[ { "instanceType" : ["t2.micro"], "imageId" : ["ami-b70554c8"] }, { "instanceType" : ["t2.small"], "imageId" : ["ami-b70554c8"] }, { "instanceType" : ["t2.medium"], "imageId" : ["ami-cfe4b2b0"] }, { "instanceType" : ["t2.medium"], "imageId" : ["ami-cfe4b2b0"] }, { "instanceType" : ["t2.medium"], "imageId" : ["ami-cfe4b2b0"] } ]

The user can run the automation and create the five EC2 instances defined in AMI_instance_types.json by running the following command.

aws ssm start-automation-execution \ --document-name AMI_Testing \ --target-parameter-name imageId \ --target-maps file:///home/TestUser/workspace/runinstances/AMI_instance_types.json

Targeting all Amazon EC2 instances

You can run an automation on all Amazon EC2 instances in the current AWS account and AWS Region by choosing All instances in the Targets list. For example, if you want to restart all Amazon EC2 instances your AWS account and the current AWS Region, you can choose the AWS-RestartEC2Instance runbook and then choose All instances from the Targets list.

Targeting all Amazon EC2 instances for a runbook

After you choose All instances, Systems Manager populates the Instance field with an asterisk (*) and makes the field unavailable for changes (the field is grayed out). Systems Manager also makes the InstanceId field in the Input parameters field unavailable for changes. Making these fields unavailable for changes is expected behavior if you choose to target all instances.