Creating alarms and notifications for resources protected by Shield Advanced - AWS WAF, AWS Firewall Manager, and AWS Shield Advanced

Creating alarms and notifications for resources protected by Shield Advanced

The following procedure shows how to manage CloudWatch alarms for protected resources.


CloudWatch incurs additional costs. For CloudWatch pricing, see Amazon CloudWatch Pricing.

To create alarms and notifications
  1. In the protections page Create alarms and notifications - optional, configure the SNS topics for the alarms and notifications that you want to receive. For resources that you don't want notifications for, choose No topic. You can add an Amazon SNS topic or create a new topic.

  2. To create an Amazon SNS topic, follow these steps:

    1. In the dropdown list, choose Create an SNS topic.

    2. Enter a topic name.

    3. Optionally enter an email address that the Amazon SNS messages will be sent to, and then choose Add email. You can enter more than one.

    4. Choose Create.

  3. Choose Next.