How Shield Advanced manages automatic mitigation - AWS WAF, AWS Firewall Manager, and AWS Shield Advanced

How Shield Advanced manages automatic mitigation

The topics in this section describe how Shield Advanced handles your configuration changes for automatic application layer DDoS mitigation and how it handles DDoS attacks when automatic mitigation is enabled.

How Shield Advanced responds to DDoS attacks with automatic mitigation

When you have automatic mitigation enabled on a protected resource, the rate-based rule ShieldKnownOffenderIPRateBasedRule in the Shield Advanced rule group responds automatically to elevated traffic volumes from known DDoS sources. This rate-limiting is applied quickly and acts as a front-line defense against attacks.

When Shield Advanced detects an attack, it does the following:

  1. Attempts to identify an attack signature that isolates the attack traffic from the normal traffic to your application. The goal is to produce high quality DDoS mitigation rules that, when placed, affect only the attack traffic and don't impact normal traffic to your application.

  2. Evaluates the identified attack signature against the historical traffic patterns for the resource that's under attack as well as for any other resource that's associated with the same web ACL. Shield Advanced does this before it deploys any rules in response to the event.

    Depending on the evaluation results, Shield Advanced does one of the following:

    • If Shield Advanced determines that the attack signature isolates only the traffic that is involved in the DDoS attack, it implements the signature in AWS WAF rules in the Shield Advanced mitigation rule group in the web ACL. Shield Advanced gives these rules the action setting that you've configured for the resource's automatic mitigation - either Count or Block.

    • Otherwise, Shield Advanced doesn't place a mitigation.

Throughout an attack, Shield Advanced sends the same notifications and provides the same event information as for basic Shield Advanced application layer protections. You can see the information about events and DDoS attacks, and about any Shield Advanced mitigations for attacks, in the Shield Advanced event console. For information, see Visibility into DDoS events with Shield Advanced.

If you've configured automatic mitigation to use the Block rule action and you experience false positives from the mitigation rules that Shield Advanced has deployed, you can change the rule action to Count. For information about how to this, see Changing the action used for automatic application layer DDoS mitigation.

How Shield Advanced manages the rule action setting

You can set the rule action for your automatic mitigations to Block or Count.

When you change the automatic mitigation rule action setting for a protected resource, Shield Advanced updates all rule settings for the resource. It updates any rules that are currently in place for the resource in the Shield Advanced rule group and it uses the new action setting when it creates new rules.

For resources that use the same web ACL, if you specify different actions, Shield Advanced uses the Block action setting for the rule group's rate-based rule ShieldKnownOffenderIPRateBasedRule. Shield Advanced creates and manages other rules in the rule group on behalf of a specific protected resource, and uses the action setting that you've specified for the resource. All rules in the Shield Advanced rule group in a web ACL are applied to the web traffic of all of the associated resources.

Changing the action setting can take a few seconds to propagate. During this time, you might see the old setting in some places where the rule group is in use, and the new setting in other places.

You can change the rule action setting for your automatic mitigation configuration in the events page of the console, and through the application layer configuration page. For information about the events page, see Responding to DDoS events in AWS. For information about the configuration page, see Configure application layer DDoS protections.

How Shield Advanced manages mitigations when an attack subsides

When Shield Advanced determines that mitigation rules that were deployed for a particular attack are no longer needed, it removes them from the Shield Advanced mitigation rule group.

The removal of mitigating rules won't necessarily coincide with the end of an attack. Shield Advanced monitors patterns of attack that it detects on your protected resources. It might proactively defend against the recurrence of an attack with a specific signature by keeping the rules that it has deployed against the initial occurrence of that attack in place. As needed, Shield Advanced increases the window of time that it keeps rules in place. This way, Shield Advanced might mitigate repeated attacks with a specific signature before they impact your protected resources.

Shield Advanced never removes the rate-based rule ShieldKnownOffenderIPRateBasedRule, which limits the volume of requests from IP addresses that are known to be sources of DDoS attacks.

What happens when you disable automatic mitigation

Shield Advanced does the following when you disable automatic mitigation for a resource:

  • Stops automatically responding to DDoS attacks – Shield Advanced discontinues its automatic response activities for the resource.

  • Removes unneeded rules from the Shield Advanced rule group – If Shield Advanced is maintaining any rules in its managed rule group on behalf of the protected resource, it removes them.

  • Removes the Shield Advanced rule group, if it's no longer in use – If the web ACL that you have associated with the resource isn't associated to any other resource that has automatic mitigation enabled, Shield Advanced removes its rule group rule from the web ACL.