Viewing compliance information for an AWS Firewall Manager policy - AWS WAF, AWS Firewall Manager, and AWS Shield Advanced

Viewing compliance information for an AWS Firewall Manager policy

This section provides guidance for viewing the compliance status of accounts and resources that are in scope of an AWS Firewall Manager policy. For information about the controls in place at AWS to maintain security and compliance of the cloud, see Compliance validation for Firewall Manager.


In order for Firewall Manager to monitor policy compliance, AWS Config must continuously record configuration changes for protected resources. In your AWS Config configuration, the recording frequency must be set to Continuous, which is the default setting.


To maintain proper compliance state in your protected resources, avoid repeatedly changing the state of the Firewall Manager protections, either automatically or manually. Firewall Manager uses information from AWS Config to detect changes to resource configurations. If changes are applied quickly enough, AWS Config can lose track of some of them, which can result in the loss of information about compliance or remediation state in Firewall Manager.

If you see that a resource you're protecting with Firewall Manager has an incorrect compliance or remediation status, first make sure you're not running any process that alters or resets your Firewall Manager protections, then refresh the AWS Config tracking for the resource by reevaluating the associated configuration rules in AWS Config.

For all AWS Firewall Manager policies, you can view the compliance status for accounts and resources that are in scope of the policy. An account or resource is in compliance with a Firewall Manager policy if the settings in the policy are reflected in the settings for the account or resource. Each policy type has its own compliance requirements, which you can tune when you define the policy. For some policies, you can also view detailed violation information for in scope resources, to help you to better understand and manage your security risk.

To view the compliance information for a policy
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console using your Firewall Manager administrator account, and then open the Firewall Manager console at For information about setting up a Firewall Manager administrator account, see AWS Firewall Manager prerequisites.


    For information about setting up a Firewall Manager administrator account, see AWS Firewall Manager prerequisites.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Security policies.

  3. Choose a policy. In the Accounts and resources tab of the policy page, Firewall Manager lists the accounts in your organization, grouped by those that are within scope of the policy and those that are outside of scope.

    The Accounts within policy scope pane lists the compliancy status for each account. A Compliant status indicates that the policy has successfully been applied to all of in-scope resources for the account. A Noncompliant status indicates that the policy hasn't been applied to one or more of the in-scope resources for the account.

  4. Choose an account that's noncompliant. In the account page, Firewall Manager lists the ID and type for each noncompliant resource and the reason that the resource is in violation of the policy.


    For the resource types AWS::EC2::NetworkInterface (ENI) and AWS::EC2::Instance, Firewall Manager might show a limited number of noncompliant resources. To list additional noncompliant resources, fix the ones that are initially displayed for the account.

  5. If the Firewall Manager policy type is a content audit security group policy, you can access detailed violation information for a resource.

    To view violation details, choose the resource.


    Resources that Firewall Manager found to be noncompliant before the addition of the detailed resource violation page might not have violation details.

    In the resource page, Firewall Manager lists specific details about the violation, according to resource type.

    • AWS::EC2::NetworkInterface (ENI) – Firewall Manager displays information about the security group that the resource doesn't comply with. Choose the security group to see more detail about it.

    • AWS::EC2::Instance – Firewall Manager displays the ENI attached to the EC2 instance that's noncompliant. It also displays information about the security group that the resources don't comply with. Choose the security group to see more detail about it.

    • AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup – Firewall Manager displays the following violation details:

      • Noncompliant security group rule – The rule that's in violation, including its protocol, port range, IP CIDR range, and description.

      • Referenced rule – The audit security group rule that the noncompliant security group rule violates, with its details.

      • Violation reasons – Explanation of the noncompliance finding.

      • Remediation action – Suggested action to take. If Firewall Manager can't determine a safe remediation action, this field is blank.

    • AWS::EC2::Subnet – This is used for network ACL and Network Firewall policies.

      Firewall Manager displays the subnet ID, VPC ID, and Availability Zone. If applicable, Firewall Manager includes additional information about the violation. The violation description component contains a description of the expected state of the resource, the current, noncompliant state, and if available, a description of what caused the discrepancy.

      Network Firewall violations

      • Route management violations – For Network Firewall policies that use Monitor mode, Firewall Manager displays basic subnet information, as well as expected and actual routes in the subnet, internet gateway, and Network Firewall subnet route table. Firewall Manager alerts you that there's a violation if the actual routes don’t match the expected routes in the route table.

      • Remediation actions for route management violations – For Network Firewall policies that use Monitor mode, Firewall Manager suggests possible remediation actions on route configurations that have violations.

      For example, say a subnet is expected to send traffic through the firewall endpoints, but the current subnet is sending traffic directly to the internet gateway. This is a route management violation. The suggested remediation in this case might be a list of ordered actions. The first being a recommendation to add the required routes to the Network Firewall subnet's route table to direct outgoing traffic to the internet gateway and to direct incoming traffic for destinations inside the VPC to `local`. The second recommendation is to replace the internet gateway route or the invalid Network Firewall route in the subnet's route table to direct outgoing traffic to the firewall endpoints. The third recommendation is to add required routes to the internet gateway's route table to direct incoming traffic to the firewall endpoints.

    • AWS::EC2:InternetGateway – This is used for Network Firewall policies that have Monitor mode enabled.

      • Route management violations – The internet gateway is noncompliant if the internet gateway is not associated with a route table, or if there is an invalid route in the internet gateway route table.

      • Remediation actions for route management violations – Firewall Manager suggests possible remediation actions to remedy route management violations.

      Example 1 – Route management violation and remediation suggestions

      An internet gateway is not associated with a route table. The suggested remediation actions might be a list of ordered actions. The first action is to create a route table. The second action is to associate the route table with the internet gateway. The third action is to add the required route to the internet gateway route table.

      Example 2 – Route management violation and remediation suggestions

      The internet gateway is associated with a valid route table, but the route is configured improperly. The suggested remediation might be a list of ordered actions. The first suggestion is to remove the invalid route. The second is to add the required route to the internet gateway route table.

    • AWS::NetworkFirewall::FirewallPolicy – This is used for Network Firewall policies. Firewall Manager displays information about a Network Firewall firewall policy that's been modified in a way that makes it noncompliant. The information provides the expected firewall policy and the policy that it found in the customer account, so you can compare stateless and stateful rule groups names and priority settings, custom action names, and default stateless actions settings. The violation description component contains a description of the expected state of the resource, the current, noncompliant state, and if available, a description of what caused the discrepancy.

    • AWS::EC2::VPC – This is used for DNS Firewall policies. Firewall Manager displays information about a VPC that's in scope of a Firewall Manager DNS Firewall policy, and that is noncompliant with the policy. The information provided includes the expected rule groups that are expected to be associated with the VPC and the actual rule groups. The violation description component contains a description of the expected state of the resource, the current, noncompliant state, and if available, a description of what caused the discrepancy.