AWS WAF mobile SDK specification - AWS WAF, AWS Firewall Manager, and AWS Shield Advanced

AWS WAF mobile SDK specification

This section lists the SDK objects, operations, and configuration settings for the latest available version of the AWS WAF mobile SDK. For detailed information about how the token provider and operations work for the various combinations of configuration settings, see How the AWS WAF mobile SDK works.


Holds an AWS WAF token.


Retrieves the String representation of the WAFToken.


Manages tokens in your mobile app. Implement this using a WAFConfiguration object.


If background refresh is enabled, this returns the cached token. If background refresh is disabled, this makes a synchronous, blocking call to AWS WAF to retrieve a new token.


Instructs the token provider to refresh the token and invoke the provided callback when an active token is ready. The token provider will invoke your callback in a background thread when the token is cached and ready. Call this when your app first loads and also when it comes back to an active state. For more information about returning to an active state, see Retrieving a token following app inactivity.

For Android or iOS apps, you can set WAFTokenResultCallback to the operation that you want the token provider to invoke when a requested token is ready. Your implementation of WAFTokenResultCallback must take the parameters WAFToken, SdkError. For iOS apps, you can alternately create an inline function.


Instructs the WAFTokenProvider to store the specified AWS WAF token into the SDK’s cookie manager. By default, the token is only added to the cookie store when it's first acquired and when it's refreshed. If the application clears the shared cookie store for any reason, the SDK doesn't automatically add the AWS WAF token back until the next refresh.


Holds the configuration for the implementation of the WAFTokenProvider. When you implement this, you provide your web ACL’s integration URL, the domain name to use in the token, and any non-default settings that you want the token provider to use.

The following list specifies the configuration settings that you can manage in the WAFConfiguration object.


The application integration URL. Get this from the AWS WAF console or through the getWebACL API call.

Required: Yes

Type: App-specific URL. For iOS, see iOS URL. For Android, see URL.


Indicates whether you want the token provider to refresh the token in the background. If you set this, the token provider refreshes your tokens in the background according to the configuration settings that govern automatic token refresh activities.

Required: No

Type: Boolean

Default value: TRUE


The domain to use in the token, which is used in token acquisition and cookie storage. For example, or This is usually the host domain of your resource that’s associated with the web ACL, where you’ll be sending web requests. For the ACFP managed rule group, AWSManagedRulesACFPRuleSet, this will usually be a single domain that matches the domain in the account creation path that you provided in the rule group configuration. For the ATP managed rule group, AWSManagedRulesATPRuleSet, this will usually be a single domain that matches the domain in the login path that you provided in the rule group configuration.

Public suffixes aren't allowed. For example, you can't use or as the token domain.

The domain must be one that AWS WAF will accept, based on the protected host domain and the web ACL's token domain list. For more information, see AWS WAF web ACL token domain list configuration.

Required: Yes

Type: String


The maximum time in milliseconds to wait before repeating a token refresh after a failed attempt. This value is used after token retrieval has failed and been retried maxRetryCount times.

Required: No

Type: Integer

Default value: 5000 (5 seconds)

Minimum value allowed: 1 (1 millisecond)

Maximum value allowed: 30000 (30 seconds)


The maximum number of retries to perform with exponential backoff when a token is requested.

Required: No

Type: Integer

Default value: If background refresh is enabled, 5. Otherwise, 3.

Minimum value allowed: 0

Maximum value allowed: 10


Indicates whether you want the SDK’s cookie manager to add a token cookie in your requests. By default, this adds a token cookie to all requests. The cookie manager adds a token cookie to any request whose path is under the path specified in tokenCookiePath.

Required: No

Type: Boolean

Default value: TRUE


Used when setTokenCookie is TRUE. Indicates the top-level path where you want the SDK’s cookie manager to add a token cookie. The manager adds a token cookie to all requests that you send to this path and to all child paths.

For example, if you set this to /web/login, then the manager includes the token cookie for everything sent to /web/login and any of its child paths, like /web/login/help. It doesn't include the token for requests sent to other paths, like /, /web, or /web/order.

Required: No

Type: String

Default value: /


Used for background refresh. The maximum amount of time in seconds between background token refreshes.

Required: No

Type: Integer

Default value: 88

Minimum value allowed: 88

Maximum value allowed: 300 (5 minutes)