Scope-down statements - AWS WAF, AWS Firewall Manager, and AWS Shield Advanced

Scope-down statements

A scope-down statement is a nestable rule statement that you add inside a managed rule group statement or a rate-based statement to narrow the set of requests that the containing rule evaluates. The containing rule only evaluates the requests that first match the scope-down statement.

  • Managed rule group statement – If you add a scope-down statement to a managed rule group statement, AWS WAF evaluates any request that doesn't match the scope-down statement as not matching the rule group. Only those requests that match the scope-down statement are evaluated against the rule group. For managed rule groups with pricing that's based on the number of requests evaluated, scope-down statements can help contain costs.

    For more information about managed rule group statements, see Managed rule group statement.

  • Rate-based rule statement – A rate-based rule statement without a scope-down statement rate limits all requests that the rule evaluates. If you want to only control the rate for a specific category of requests, add a scope-down statement to the rate-based rule. For example, to only track and control the rate of requests from a specific geographical area, you can specify that geographical area in a geographic match statement and add it to your rate-based rule as the scope-down statement.

    For more information about rate-based rule statements, see Rate-based rule statement.

You can use any nestable rule in a scope-down statement. For the available statements, see Match rule statements and Logical rule statements. The WCUs for a scope-down statement are the WCUs required for the rule statement that you define in it. There's no additional cost for the use of a scope-down statement.

You can configure a scope-down statement in the same way as you do when you use the statement in a regular rule. For example, you can apply text transformations to a web request component that you're inspecting and you can specify a forwarded IP address to use as the IP address. These configurations apply only to the scope-down statement and are not inherited by the containing managed rule group or rate-based rule statement.

For example, if you apply text transformations to a query string in your scope-down statement, the scope-down statement inspects the query string after applying the transformations. If the request matches the scope-down statement criteria, AWS WAF then passes the web request to the containing rule in its original state, without the scope-down statement's transformations. The rule that contains the scope-down statement might apply text transformations of its own, but it doesn't inherit any from the scope-down statement.

You can't use a scope-down statement to specify any request inspection configuration for the containing rule statement. You can't use a scope-down statement as a web request preprocessor for the containing rule statement. The only role of a scope-down statement is to determine which requests are passed to the containing rule statement for inspection.