PERF01-BP02 Define a process for architectural choices
Use internal experience and knowledge of the cloud, or external resources such as published use cases, relevant documentation, or whitepapers, to define a process to choose resources and services. You should define a process that encourages experimentation and benchmarking with the services that could be used in your workload.
When you write critical user stories for your architecture, you should include performance requirements, such as specifying how quickly each critical story should run. For these critical stories, you should implement additional scripted user journeys to ensure that you have visibility into how these stories perform against your requirements.
Common anti-patterns:
You assume your current architecture will become static and not be updated over time.
You introduce architecture changes over time without justification.
Benefits of establishing this best practice: By having a defined process for making architectural changes, you enable using the gathered data to influence your workload design over time.
Level of risk exposed if this best practice is not established: High
Implementation guidance
Select an architectural approach: Identify the kind of architecture that meets your performance requirements. Identify constraints, such as the media for delivery (desktop, web, mobile, IoT), legacy requirements, and integrations. Identify opportunities for reuse, including refactoring. Consult other teams, architecture diagrams, and resources such as AWS Solution Architects, AWS Reference Architectures, and AWS Partners to help you choose an architecture.
Define performance requirements: Use the customer experience to identify the most important metrics. For each metric, identify the target, measurement approach, and priority. Define the customer experience. Document the performance experience required by customers, including how customers will judge the performance of the workload. Prioritize experience concerns for critical user stories. Include performance requirements and implement scripted user journeys to ensure that you know how the stories perform against your requirements.
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