Raw ECDH keyrings - AWS Encryption SDK

Raw ECDH keyrings


The Raw ECDH keyring is only available with version 4.x of the AWS Encryption SDK for .NET and version 3.x of the AWS Encryption SDK for Java. The Raw ECDH keyring is introduced in version 1.5.0 of the Material Providers Library.

The Raw ECDH keyring uses the elliptic curve public-private key pairs that you provide to derive a shared wrapping key between two parties. First, the keyring derives a shared secret using the sender's private key, the recipient's public key, and the Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) key agreement algorithm. Then, the keyring uses the shared secret to derive the shared wrapping key that protects your data encryption keys. The key derivation function that the AWS Encryption SDK uses (KDF_CTR_HMAC_SHA384) to derive the shared wrapping key conforms to NIST recommendations for key derivation.

The key derivation function returns 64 bytes of key material. To ensure that both parties use the correct key material, the AWS Encryption SDK uses the first 32 bytes as a commitment key and the last 32 bytes as the shared wrapping key. On decrypt, if the keyring cannot reproduce the same commitment key and shared wrapping key that is stored on the message header ciphertext, the operation fails. For example, if you encrypt data with a keyring configured with Alice's private key and Bob's public key, a keyring configured with Bob's private key and Alice's public key will reproduce the same commitment key and shared wrapping key and be able to decrypt the data. If Bob's public key is from an AWS KMS key pair, then Bob can create an AWS KMS ECDH keyring to decrypt the data.

The Raw ECDH keyring encrypts data with a symmetric key using AES-GCM. The data key is then envelope encrypted with the derived shared wrapping key using AES-GCM. Each Raw ECDH keyring can have only one shared wrapping key, but you can include multiple Raw ECDH keyrings, alone or with other keyrings, in a multi-keyring.

You are responsible for generating, storing, and protecting your private keys, preferably in a hardware security module (HSM) or key management system. The sender and recipient's key pairs much be on the same elliptic curve. The AWS Encryption SDK supports the following elliptic cuve specifications:

  • ECC_NIST_P256

  • ECC_NIST_P384

  • ECC_NIST_P512

Creating a Raw ECDH keyring

The Raw ECDH keyring supports three key agreement schemas: RawPrivateKeyToStaticPublicKey, EphemeralPrivateKeyToStaticPublicKey, and PublicKeyDiscovery. The key agreement schema that you select determines which cryptographic operations you can perform and how the keying materials are assembled.


Use the RawPrivateKeyToStaticPublicKey key agreement schema to statically configure the sender's private key and the recipient's public key in the keyring. This key agreement schema can encrypt and decrypt data.

To initialize a Raw ECDH keyring with the RawPrivateKeyToStaticPublicKey key agreement schema, provide the following values:

  • Sender's private key

    You must provide the sender's PEM-encoded private key (PKCS #8 PrivateKeyInfo structures), as defined in RFC 5958.

  • Recipient's public key

    You must provide the recipient's DER-encoded X.509 public key, also known as SubjectPublicKeyInfo (SPKI), as defined in RFC 5280.

    You can specify the public key of an asymmetric key agreement KMS key pair or the public key from a key pair generated outside of AWS.

  • Curve specification

    Identifies the elliptic curve specification in the specified key pairs. Both the sender and recipient's key pairs must have the same curve specification.

    Valid values: ECC_NIST_P256, ECC_NIS_P384, ECC_NIST_P512

C# / .NET
// Instantiate material providers var materialProviders = new MaterialProviders(new MaterialProvidersConfig()); var BobPrivateKey = new MemoryStream(new byte[] { }); var AlicePublicKey = new MemoryStream(new byte[] { }); // Create the Raw ECDH static keyring var staticConfiguration = new RawEcdhStaticConfigurations() { RawPrivateKeyToStaticPublicKey = new RawPrivateKeyToStaticPublicKeyInput { SenderStaticPrivateKey = BobPrivateKey, RecipientPublicKey = AlicePublicKey } }; var createKeyringInput = new CreateRawEcdhKeyringInput() { CurveSpec = ECDHCurveSpec.ECC_NIST_P256, KeyAgreementScheme = staticConfiguration }; var keyring = materialProviders.CreateRawEcdhKeyring(createKeyringInput);

The following Java example uses the RawPrivateKeyToStaticPublicKey key agreement schema to statically configure the sender's private key and the recipient's public key. Both key pairs are on the ECC_NIST_P256 curve.

private static void StaticRawKeyring() { // Instantiate material providers final MaterialProviders materialProviders = MaterialProviders.builder() .MaterialProvidersConfig(MaterialProvidersConfig.builder().build()) .build(); KeyPair senderKeys = GetRawEccKey(); KeyPair recipient = GetRawEccKey(); // Create the Raw ECDH static keyring final CreateRawEcdhKeyringInput rawKeyringInput = CreateRawEcdhKeyringInput.builder() .curveSpec(ECDHCurveSpec.ECC_NIST_P256) .KeyAgreementScheme( RawEcdhStaticConfigurations.builder() .RawPrivateKeyToStaticPublicKey( RawPrivateKeyToStaticPublicKeyInput.builder() // Must be a PEM-encoded private key .senderStaticPrivateKey(ByteBuffer.wrap(senderKeys.getPrivate().getEncoded())) // Must be a DER-encoded X.509 public key .recipientPublicKey(ByteBuffer.wrap(recipient.getPublic().getEncoded())) .build() ) .build() ).build(); final IKeyring staticKeyring = materialProviders.CreateRawEcdhKeyring(rawKeyringInput); }


Keyrings configured with the EphemeralPrivateKeyToStaticPublicKey key agreement schema create a new key pair locally and derive a unique shared wrapping key for each encrypt call.

This key agreement schema can only encrypt messages. To decrypt messages encrypted with the EphemeralPrivateKeyToStaticPublicKey key agreement schema, you must use a discovery key agreement schema configured with the same recipient's public key. To decrypt, you can use a Raw ECDH keyring with the PublicKeyDiscovery key agreement algorithm, or, if the recipient's public key is from an asymmetric key agreement KMS key pair, you can use an AWS KMS ECDH keyring with the KmsPublicKeyDiscovery key agreement schema.

To initialize a Raw ECDH keyring with the EphemeralPrivateKeyToStaticPublicKey key agreement schema, provide the following values:

  • Recipient's public key

    You must provide the recipient's DER-encoded X.509 public key, also known as SubjectPublicKeyInfo (SPKI), as defined in RFC 5280.

    You can specify the public key of an asymmetric key agreement KMS key pair or the public key from a key pair generated outside of AWS.

  • Curve specification

    Identifies the elliptic curve specification in the specified public key.

    On encrypt, the keyring creates a new key pair on the specified curve and uses the new private key and specified public key to derive a shared wrapping key.

    Valid values: ECC_NIST_P256, ECC_NIS_P384, ECC_NIST_P512

C# / .NET

The following example creates a Raw ECDH keyring with the EphemeralPrivateKeyToStaticPublicKey key agreement schema. On encrypt, the keyring will create a new key pair locally on the specified ECC_NIST_P256 curve.

// Instantiate material providers var materialProviders = new MaterialProviders(new MaterialProvidersConfig()); var AlicePublicKey = new MemoryStream(new byte[] { }); // Create the Raw ECDH ephemeral keyring var ephemeralConfiguration = new RawEcdhStaticConfigurations() { EphemeralPrivateKeyToStaticPublicKey = new EphemeralPrivateKeyToStaticPublicKeyInput { RecipientPublicKey = AlicePublicKey } }; var createKeyringInput = new CreateRawEcdhKeyringInput() { CurveSpec = ECDHCurveSpec.ECC_NIST_P256, KeyAgreementScheme = ephemeralConfiguration }; var keyring = materialProviders.CreateRawEcdhKeyring(createKeyringInput);

The following example creates a Raw ECDH keyring with the EphemeralPrivateKeyToStaticPublicKey key agreement schema. On encrypt, the keyring will create a new key pair locally on the specified ECC_NIST_P256 curve.

private static void EphemeralRawEcdhKeyring() { // Instantiate material providers final MaterialProviders materialProviders = MaterialProviders.builder() .MaterialProvidersConfig(MaterialProvidersConfig.builder().build()) .build(); ByteBuffer recipientPublicKey = getPublicKeyBytes(); // Create the Raw ECDH ephemeral keyring final CreateRawEcdhKeyringInput ephemeralInput = CreateRawEcdhKeyringInput.builder() .curveSpec(ECDHCurveSpec.ECC_NIST_P256) .KeyAgreementScheme( RawEcdhStaticConfigurations.builder() .EphemeralPrivateKeyToStaticPublicKey( EphemeralPrivateKeyToStaticPublicKeyInput.builder() .recipientPublicKey(recipientPublicKey) .build() ) .build() ).build(); final IKeyring ephemeralKeyring = materialProviders.CreateRawEcdhKeyring(ephemeralInput); }


When decrypting, it's a best practice to specify the wrapping keys that the AWS Encryption SDK can use. To follow this best practice, use an ECDH keyring that specifies both a sender's private key and recipient's public key. However, you can also create a Raw ECDH discovery keyring, that is, a Raw ECDH keyring that can decrypt any message where the specified key's public key matches the recipient's public key stored on the message ciphertext. This key agreement schema can only decrypt messages.


When you decrypt messages using the PublicKeyDiscovery key agreement schema, you accept all public keys, regardless of who owns it.

To initialize a Raw ECDH keyring with the PublicKeyDiscovery key agreement schema, provide the following values:

  • Recipient's static private key

    You must provide the recipient's PEM-encoded private key (PKCS #8 PrivateKeyInfo structures), as defined in RFC 5958.

  • Curve specification

    Identifies the elliptic curve specification in the specified private key. Both the sender and recipient's key pairs must have the same curve specification.

    Valid values: ECC_NIST_P256, ECC_NIS_P384, ECC_NIST_P512

C# / .NET

The following example creates a Raw ECDH keyring with the PublicKeyDiscovery key agreement schema. This keyring can decrypt any message where the public key of the specified private key matches the recipient's public key stored on the message ciphertext.

// Instantiate material providers var materialProviders = new MaterialProviders(new MaterialProvidersConfig()); var AlicePrivateKey = new MemoryStream(new byte[] { }); // Create the Raw ECDH discovery keyring var discoveryConfiguration = new RawEcdhStaticConfigurations() { PublicKeyDiscovery = new PublicKeyDiscoveryInput { RecipientStaticPrivateKey = AlicePrivateKey } }; var createKeyringInput = new CreateRawEcdhKeyringInput() { CurveSpec = ECDHCurveSpec.ECC_NIST_P256, KeyAgreementScheme = discoveryConfiguration }; var keyring = materialProviders.CreateRawEcdhKeyring(createKeyringInput);

The following example creates a Raw ECDH keyring with the PublicKeyDiscovery key agreement schema. This keyring can decrypt any message where the public key of the specified private key matches the recipient's public key stored on the message ciphertext.

private static void RawEcdhDiscovery() { // Instantiate material providers final MaterialProviders materialProviders = MaterialProviders.builder() .MaterialProvidersConfig(MaterialProvidersConfig.builder().build()) .build(); KeyPair recipient = GetRawEccKey(); // Create the Raw ECDH discovery keyring final CreateRawEcdhKeyringInput rawKeyringInput = CreateRawEcdhKeyringInput.builder() .curveSpec(ECDHCurveSpec.ECC_NIST_P256) .KeyAgreementScheme( RawEcdhStaticConfigurations.builder() .PublicKeyDiscovery( PublicKeyDiscoveryInput.builder() // Must be a PEM-encoded private key .recipientStaticPrivateKey(ByteBuffer.wrap(sender.getPrivate().getEncoded())) .build() ) .build() ).build(); final IKeyring publicKeyDiscovery = materialProviders.CreateRawEcdhKeyring(rawKeyringInput); }