AWS::AppRunner::Service InstanceConfiguration - AWS CloudFormation

AWS::AppRunner::Service InstanceConfiguration

Describes the runtime configuration of an AWS App Runner service instance (scaling unit).


To declare this entity in your AWS CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:


{ "Cpu" : String, "InstanceRoleArn" : String, "Memory" : String }


Cpu: String InstanceRoleArn: String Memory: String



The number of CPU units reserved for each instance of your App Runner service.

Default: 1 vCPU

Required: No

Type: String

Pattern: 256|512|1024|2048|4096|(0.25|0.5|1|2|4) vCPU

Minimum: 3

Maximum: 9

Update requires: No interruption


The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an IAM role that provides permissions to your App Runner service. These are permissions that your code needs when it calls any AWS APIs.

Required: No

Type: String

Pattern: arn:(aws|aws-us-gov|aws-cn|aws-iso|aws-iso-b):iam::[0-9]{12}:role/[\w+=,.@-]{1,64}

Minimum: 29

Maximum: 1024

Update requires: No interruption


The amount of memory, in MB or GB, reserved for each instance of your App Runner service.

Default: 2 GB

Required: No

Type: String

Pattern: 512|1024|2048|3072|4096|6144|8192|10240|12288|(0.5|1|2|3|4|6|8|10|12) GB

Minimum: 3

Maximum: 6

Update requires: No interruption