Fragmentos de plantillas de la consola de facturación de AWS - AWS CloudFormation

Fragmentos de plantillas de la consola de facturación de AWS

En este ejemplo, se crea un plan de precios con una regla de precios con un margen global del 10 %. Este plan de precios se adjunta al grupo de facturación. El grupo de facturación también tiene dos líneas de pedido personalizadas que aplican un cargo de 10 USD y un cargo del 10 % sobre el costo total del grupo de facturación.


{ "Parameters": { "LinkedAccountIds": { "Type": "ListNumber" }, "PrimaryAccountId": { "Type": "Number" } }, "Resources": { "TestPricingRule": { "Type": "AWS::BillingConductor::PricingRule", "Properties": { "Name": "TestPricingRule", "Description": "Test pricing rule created through Cloudformation. Mark everything by 10%.", "Type": "MARKUP", "Scope": "GLOBAL", "ModifierPercentage": 10 } }, "TestPricingPlan": { "Type": "AWS::BillingConductor::PricingPlan", "Properties": { "Name": "TestPricingPlan", "Description": "Test pricing plan created through Cloudformation.", "PricingRuleArns": [ {"Fn::GetAtt": ["TestPricingRule", "Arn"]} ] } }, "TestBillingGroup": { "Type": "AWS::BillingConductor::BillingGroup", "Properties": { "Name": "TestBillingGroup", "Description": "Test billing group created through Cloudformation with 1 linked account. The linked account is also the primary account.", "PrimaryAccountId": { "Ref": "PrimaryAccountId" }, "AccountGrouping": { "LinkedAccountIds": null }, "ComputationPreference": { "PricingPlanArn": { "Fn::GetAtt": ["TestPricingPlan", "Arn"] } } } }, "TestFlatCustomLineItem": { "Type": "AWS::BillingConductor::CustomLineItem", "Properties": { "Name": "TestFlatCustomLineItem", "Description": "Test flat custom line item created through Cloudformation for a $10 charge.", "BillingGroupArn": { "Fn::GetAtt": ["TestBillingGroup", "Arn"] }, "CustomLineItemChargeDetails": { "Flat": { "ChargeValue": 10 }, "Type": "FEE" } } }, "TestPercentageCustomLineItem": { "Type": "AWS::BillingConductor::CustomLineItem", "Properties": { "Name": "TestPercentageCustomLineItem", "Description": "Test percentage custom line item created through Cloudformation for a %10 additional charge on the overall total bill of the billing group.", "BillingGroupArn": { "Fn::GetAtt": ["TestBillingGroup", "Arn"] }, "CustomLineItemChargeDetails": { "Percentage": { "PercentageValue": 10, "ChildAssociatedResources": [ {"Fn::GetAtt": ["TestBillingGroup", "Arn"]} ] }, "Type": "FEE" } } } } }


Parameters: LinkedAccountIds: Type: ListNumber PrimaryAccountId: Type: Number Resources: TestPricingRule: Type: 'AWS::BillingConductor::PricingRule' Properties: Name: 'TestPricingRule' Description: 'Test pricing rule created through Cloudformation. Mark everything by 10%.' Type: 'MARKUP' Scope: 'GLOBAL' ModifierPercentage: 10 TestPricingPlan: Type: 'AWS::BillingConductor::PricingPlan' Properties: Name: 'TestPricingPlan' Description: 'Test pricing plan created through Cloudformation.' PricingRuleArns: - !GetAtt TestPricingRule.Arn TestBillingGroup: Type: 'AWS::BillingConductor::BillingGroup' Properties: Name: 'TestBillingGroup' Description: 'Test billing group created through Cloudformation with 1 linked account. The linked account is also the primary account.' PrimaryAccountId: !Ref PrimaryAccountId AccountGrouping: LinkedAccountIds: !Ref LinkedAccountIds ComputationPreference: PricingPlanArn: !GetAtt TestPricingPlan.Arn TestFlatCustomLineItem: Type: 'AWS::BillingConductor::CustomLineItem' Properties: Name: 'TestFlatCustomLineItem' Description: 'Test flat custom line item created through Cloudformation for a $10 charge.' BillingGroupArn: !GetAtt TestBillingGroup.Arn CustomLineItemChargeDetails: Flat: ChargeValue: 10 Type: 'FEE' TestPercentageCustomLineItem: Type: 'AWS::BillingConductor::CustomLineItem' Properties: Name: 'TestPercentageCustomLineItem' Description: 'Test percentage custom line item created through Cloudformation for a %10 additional charge on the overall total bill of the billing group.' BillingGroupArn: !GetAtt TestBillingGroup.Arn CustomLineItemChargeDetails: Percentage: PercentageValue: 10 ChildAssociatedResources: - !GetAtt TestBillingGroup.Arn Type: 'FEE'