Gets a list of the VPCs that were created by other accounts and that can be associated
with a specified hosted zone because you've submitted one or more
The response includes a VPCs
element with a VPC
element for each VPC that can be associated with the hosted zone.
Request Syntax
GET /2013-04-01/hostedzone/Id
URI Request Parameters
The request uses the following URI parameters.
- Id
The ID of the hosted zone for which you want a list of VPCs that can be associated with the hosted zone.
Length Constraints: Maximum length of 32.
Required: Yes
- maxresults
Optional: An integer that specifies the maximum number of VPCs that you want Amazon Route 53 to return. If you don't specify a value for
, Route 53 returns up to 50 VPCs per page. - nexttoken
Optional: If a response includes a
element, there are more VPCs that can be associated with the specified hosted zone. To get the next page of results, submit another request, and include the value ofNextToken
from the response in thenexttoken
parameter in anotherListVPCAssociationAuthorizations
request.Length Constraints: Maximum length of 1024.
Request Body
The request does not have a request body.
Response Syntax
HTTP/1.1 200
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Response Elements
If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.
The following data is returned in XML format by the service.
- ListVPCAssociationAuthorizationsResponse
Root level tag for the ListVPCAssociationAuthorizationsResponse parameters.
Required: Yes
- HostedZoneId
The ID of the hosted zone that you can associate the listed VPCs with.
Type: String
Length Constraints: Maximum length of 32.
- NextToken
When the response includes a
element, there are more VPCs that can be associated with the specified hosted zone. To get the next page of VPCs, submit anotherListVPCAssociationAuthorizations
request, and include the value of theNextToken
element from the response in thenexttoken
request parameter.Type: String
Length Constraints: Maximum length of 1024.
- VPCs
The list of VPCs that are authorized to be associated with the specified hosted zone.
Type: Array of VPC objects
Array Members: Minimum number of 1 item.
For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors.
- InvalidInput
The input is not valid.
HTTP Status Code: 400
- InvalidPaginationToken
The value that you specified to get the second or subsequent page of results is invalid.
HTTP Status Code: 400
- NoSuchHostedZone
No hosted zone exists with the ID that you specified.
HTTP Status Code: 404
Example Request
This example illustrates one usage of ListVPCAssociationAuthorizations.
GET /2013-04-01/hostedzone/Z1PA6795UKMFR9/authorizevpcassociation&maxresults=1 HTTP/1.1
Example Response
This example illustrates one usage of ListVPCAssociationAuthorizations.
HTTP/1.1 200
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: