AWS B2B Data Interchange acknowledgements - AWS B2B Data Interchange

AWS B2B Data Interchange acknowledgements

Customers often have a need to return acknowledgements whenever they receive inbound EDI files. The purpose of an acknowledgement is to tell their trading partner that they have received the file and to report errors.

B2Bi automatically generates X12 EDI acknowledgements whenever an EDI document is transformed by the service. The service creates an acknowledgement, which is stored in Amazon S3 alongside the transformed EDI, and then publishes an event to Amazon EventBridge. The service generates the following types of acknowledgements:

  • 997 functional acknowledgements: the 997 is a functional acknowledgement used to confirm receipt of X12 EDI transactions and to report transactional errors. A 997 acknowledgement serves as a response to an individual EDI message or group of messages. It contains information about the receipt of the upstream transaction, such as whether it has been accepted, accepted with errors or rejected.

  • TA1 interchange acknowledgements: A TA1 is an interchange acknowledgement used to confirm the receipt of X12 EDI interchanges and to report syntactical errors. It reports the status of the processing of an interchange header and trailer by the addressed receiver or the non-delivery by a network provider.

  • 999 functional acknowledgements: there are two types of 999 functional acknowledgement, as follows:

    • 999 functional acknowledgement for HIPAA transactions: the service generates 999 X231 acknowledgements for all X12 version 5010 HIPAA transactions.

    • 999 functional acknowledgement for non-HIPAA transactions: the service generates 999 acknowledgements for all other healthcare-related X12 transactions.

All inbound X12 transactions receive a TA1, while only certain transactions receive a 997. Finance, transportation, supply chain, and communication & control transactions typically receive a 997. These acknowledgements are created by default, and are not configurable.


The service generates either a 999 or 997 acknowledgement: not both.

For details of the generated events, see Details fields for acknowledgement events.

One example use case is as follows: Retailer B responds with an EDI 997 Functional Acknowledgement, which communicates to Vendor A that their EDI 810 Invoice was received and is syntactically valid.

  1. Vendor A sends Retailer B an EDI 810 Invoice.

  2. Retailer B responds with an EDI 997 Functional Acknowledgement, which communicates to Vendor A that their EDI 810 Invoice was received and is syntactically valid.

B2Bi creates events when generating acknowledgements (for both successful and failed scenarios). The primary value of generating these events is for returning the acknowledgement to the trading partner. You can use AWS Transfer Family (or any other data transfer service) to send these acknowledgements to your trading partner.

File output paths

This section describes the output paths for acknowledgement files saved to Amazon S3.

Let's assume that a customer configures their EDI capability to have the following input and output directories.

  • Input: s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/IN/

  • Output: s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/OUT/

For this configuration, the following are the paths for the input and corresponding transformed output directories:

  • Inbound EDI: s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/IN/TP_ID/edi214xml-test83.txt

  • Transformed output: s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/OUT/TP_ID/edi214xml-test83.txt.2023-11-21T19:26:49.774Z.xml

The format for the acknowledgement filename depends on whether the incoming EDI document uses a capability or is called by the StartTransformerJob API.

When using a capability, the format for the acknowledgement files is s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/OUT/TP_ID/ACK/filename.timestamp.997 (.TA1 for TA1 acknowledgements).

The following are examples for the acknowledgement output filenames:

  • 997 acknowledgement: s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/OUT/TP_ID/ACK/edi214xml-test83.txt.2023-11-21T19:26:49.774Z.997

  • 999 X231 acknowledgement: s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/OUT/TP_ID/ACK/edi835x221.xml-test83.txt.2023-11-21T19:26:49.774Z.999x231

  • TA1 acknowledgement: s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/OUT/TP_ID/ACK/edi214xml-test83.txt.2023-11-21T19:26:49.774Z.TA1

For direct transformer API calls, the format is s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/OUT/ACK/filename.timestamp.997 (.TA1 for TA1 acknowledgements).