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Úselo SearchFacesByImage
con un AWS SDK o CLI
En los siguientes ejemplos de código, se muestra cómo utilizar SearchFacesByImage
Para obtener información, consulte Búsqueda de un rostro (imagen).
- .NET
- AWS SDK for .NET
Hay más en marcha GitHub. Busque el ejemplo completo y aprenda a configurar y ejecutar en el Repositorio de ejemplos de código de AWS
. using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.Rekognition; using Amazon.Rekognition.Model; /// <summary> /// Uses the Amazon Rekognition Service to search for images matching those /// in a collection. /// </summary> public class SearchFacesMatchingImage { public static async Task Main() { string collectionId = "MyCollection"; string bucket = "amzn-s3-demo-bucket"; string photo = "input.jpg"; var rekognitionClient = new AmazonRekognitionClient(); // Get an image object from S3 bucket. var image = new Image() { S3Object = new S3Object() { Bucket = bucket, Name = photo, }, }; var searchFacesByImageRequest = new SearchFacesByImageRequest() { CollectionId = collectionId, Image = image, FaceMatchThreshold = 70F, MaxFaces = 2, }; SearchFacesByImageResponse searchFacesByImageResponse = await rekognitionClient.SearchFacesByImageAsync(searchFacesByImageRequest); Console.WriteLine("Faces matching largest face in image from " + photo); searchFacesByImageResponse.FaceMatches.ForEach(face => { Console.WriteLine($"FaceId: {face.Face.FaceId}, Similarity: {face.Similarity}"); }); } }
Para obtener más información sobre la API, consulta SearchFacesByImagela Referencia AWS SDK for .NET de la API.
Búsqueda de rostros en una colección que coincida con el rostro de mayor tamaño en una imagen.
El siguiente comando
busca rostros en una colección que coincidan con el rostro más grande de la imagen especificada:aws rekognition search-faces-by-image \ --image '
' \ --collection-idMyFaceImageCollection
"FaceId": "ce7ed422-2132-4a11-ab14-06c5c410f29f", "ExternalImageId": "example-image.jpg", "Confidence":99.99340057373047,
"FaceId": "13692fe4-990a-4679-b14a-5ac23d135eab", "ExternalImageId": "image3.jpg", "Confidence":99.99340057373047,
"FaceId": "8d3cfc70-4ba8-4b36-9644-90fba29c2dac", "ExternalImageId": "image2.jpg", "Confidence":99.99769592285156,
"FaceId": "bd4ceb4d-9acc-4ab7-8ef8-1c2d2ba0a66a", "ExternalImageId": "image1.jpg", "Confidence":99.99949645996094,
"FaceId": "745f7509-b1fa-44e0-8b95-367b1359638a", "ExternalImageId": "image9.jpg", "Confidence":99.99979400634766,
"FaceId": "2eb5f3fd-e2a9-4b1c-a89f-afa0a518fe06", "ExternalImageId": "image10.jpg", "Confidence":99.99970245361328,
"FaceId": "086261e8-6deb-4bc0-ac73-ab22323cc38d", "ExternalImageId": "image6.jpg", "Confidence":99.99930572509766,
"FaceId": "11c4bd3c-19c5-4eb8-aecc-24feb93a26e1", "ExternalImageId": "image5.jpg", "Confidence":99.99960327148438,
"FaceId": "57189455-42b0-4839-a86c-abda48b13174", "ExternalImageId": "image8.jpg", "Confidence":100.0,
Para obtener más información, consulte Búsqueda de un rostro utilizando una imagen en la Guía para desarrolladores de Amazon Rekognition.
Para obtener más información sobre la API, consulta SearchFacesByImage
la Referencia de AWS CLI comandos.
- Java
- SDK para Java 2.x
Hay más información al respecto GitHub. Busque el ejemplo completo y aprenda a configurar y ejecutar en el Repositorio de ejemplos de código de AWS
. import software.amazon.awssdk.regions.Region; import software.amazon.awssdk.services.rekognition.RekognitionClient; import software.amazon.awssdk.services.rekognition.model.SearchFacesRequest; import software.amazon.awssdk.services.rekognition.model.SearchFacesResponse; import software.amazon.awssdk.services.rekognition.model.FaceMatch; import software.amazon.awssdk.services.rekognition.model.RekognitionException; import java.util.List; /** * Before running this Java V2 code example, set up your development * environment, including your credentials. * * For more information, see the following documentation topic: * * https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-java/latest/developer-guide/get-started.html */ public class SearchFaceMatchingIdCollection { public static void main(String[] args) { final String usage = """ Usage: <collectionId> <sourceImage> Where: collectionId - The id of the collection. \s sourceImage - The path to the image (for example, C:\\AWS\\pic1.png).\s """; if (args.length != 2) { System.out.println(usage); System.exit(1); } String collectionId = args[0]; String faceId = args[1]; Region region = Region.US_EAST_1; RekognitionClient rekClient = RekognitionClient.builder() .region(region) .build(); System.out.println("Searching for a face in a collections"); searchFacebyId(rekClient, collectionId, faceId); rekClient.close(); } public static void searchFacebyId(RekognitionClient rekClient, String collectionId, String faceId) { try { SearchFacesRequest searchFacesRequest = SearchFacesRequest.builder() .collectionId(collectionId) .faceId(faceId) .faceMatchThreshold(70F) .maxFaces(2) .build(); SearchFacesResponse imageResponse = rekClient.searchFaces(searchFacesRequest); System.out.println("Faces matching in the collection"); List<FaceMatch> faceImageMatches = imageResponse.faceMatches(); for (FaceMatch face : faceImageMatches) { System.out.println("The similarity level is " + face.similarity()); System.out.println(); } } catch (RekognitionException e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); System.exit(1); } } }
Para obtener más información sobre la API, consulta SearchFacesByImagela Referencia AWS SDK for Java 2.x de la API.
- Python
- SDK para Python (Boto3)
Hay más información al respecto GitHub. Busque el ejemplo completo y aprenda a configurar y ejecutar en el Repositorio de ejemplos de código de AWS
. class RekognitionCollection: """ Encapsulates an Amazon Rekognition collection. This class is a thin wrapper around parts of the Boto3 Amazon Rekognition API. """ def __init__(self, collection, rekognition_client): """ Initializes a collection object. :param collection: Collection data in the format returned by a call to create_collection. :param rekognition_client: A Boto3 Rekognition client. """ self.collection_id = collection["CollectionId"] self.collection_arn, self.face_count, self.created = self._unpack_collection( collection ) self.rekognition_client = rekognition_client @staticmethod def _unpack_collection(collection): """ Unpacks optional parts of a collection that can be returned by describe_collection. :param collection: The collection data. :return: A tuple of the data in the collection. """ return ( collection.get("CollectionArn"), collection.get("FaceCount", 0), collection.get("CreationTimestamp"), ) def search_faces_by_image(self, image, threshold, max_faces): """ Searches for faces in the collection that match the largest face in the reference image. :param image: The image that contains the reference face to search for. :param threshold: The match confidence must be greater than this value for a face to be included in the results. :param max_faces: The maximum number of faces to return. :return: A tuple. The first element is the face found in the reference image. The second element is the list of matching faces found in the collection. """ try: response = self.rekognition_client.search_faces_by_image( CollectionId=self.collection_id, Image=image.image, FaceMatchThreshold=threshold, MaxFaces=max_faces, ) image_face = RekognitionFace( { "BoundingBox": response["SearchedFaceBoundingBox"], "Confidence": response["SearchedFaceConfidence"], } ) collection_faces = [ RekognitionFace(face["Face"]) for face in response["FaceMatches"] ] logger.info( "Found %s faces in the collection that match the largest " "face in %s.", len(collection_faces), image.image_name, ) except ClientError: logger.exception( "Couldn't search for faces in %s that match %s.", self.collection_id, image.image_name, ) raise else: return image_face, collection_faces
Para obtener más información sobre la API, consulta SearchFacesByImagela AWS Referencia de API de SDK for Python (Boto3).
- AWS SDK for .NET
Hay más en marcha GitHub. Busque el ejemplo completo y aprenda a configurar y ejecutar en el Repositorio de ejemplos de código de AWS
. using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.Rekognition; using Amazon.Rekognition.Model; /// <summary> /// Uses the Amazon Rekognition Service to search for images matching those /// in a collection. /// </summary> public class SearchFacesMatchingImage { public static async Task Main() { string collectionId = "MyCollection"; string bucket = "amzn-s3-demo-bucket"; string photo = "input.jpg"; var rekognitionClient = new AmazonRekognitionClient(); // Get an image object from S3 bucket. var image = new Image() { S3Object = new S3Object() { Bucket = bucket, Name = photo, }, }; var searchFacesByImageRequest = new SearchFacesByImageRequest() { CollectionId = collectionId, Image = image, FaceMatchThreshold = 70F, MaxFaces = 2, }; SearchFacesByImageResponse searchFacesByImageResponse = await rekognitionClient.SearchFacesByImageAsync(searchFacesByImageRequest); Console.WriteLine("Faces matching largest face in image from " + photo); searchFacesByImageResponse.FaceMatches.ForEach(face => { Console.WriteLine($"FaceId: {face.Face.FaceId}, Similarity: {face.Similarity}"); }); } }
Para obtener más información sobre la API, consulta SearchFacesByImagela Referencia AWS SDK for .NET de la API.