Oracle UTL_FILE package - Oracle to Aurora PostgreSQL Migration Playbook

Oracle UTL_FILE package

With AWS DMS, you can access data and read/write files on the server’s file system using the Oracle UTL_FILE package. The UTL_FILE package provides APIs to operate on server files, allowing applications to read and write operating system files.

Feature compatibility AWS SCT / AWS DMS automation level AWS SCT action code index Key differences

No compatibility

No automation


PostgreSQL doesn’t have the UTL_FILE equivalent.

Oracle usage

Oracle UTL_FILE PL/SQL package enables you to access files stored outside of the database such as files stored on the operating system, the database server, or a connected storage volume. UTL_FILE.FOPEN, UTL_FILE.GET_LINE, and UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE are procedures within the UTL_FILE package used to open, read, and write files.


Run an anonymous PL/SQL block that reads a single line from file1 and writes it to file2.

  • Use UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE to create a handle for the file.

  • Use UTL_FILE.FOPEN to open streamable access to the file and specify:

    • The logical Oracle directory object pointing to the O/S folder where the file resides.

    • The file name.

    • The file access mode: 'A'=append mode, 'W'=write mode

  • Use UTL_FILE.GET_LINE to read a line from the input file into a variable.

  • Use UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE to write a single line to the output file.

strString1 VARCHAR2(32767);
fileFile1 := UTL_FILE.FOPEN('FILES_DIR','File1.tmp','R');
fileFile1 := UTL_FILE.FOPEN('FILES_DIR','File2.tmp','A');

For more information, see UTL_FILE in the Oracle documentation.

PostgreSQL usage

Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL doesn’t currently provides a directly comparable alternative for Oracle UTL_FILE package.