Configuring the handling in the input - AWS Elemental Live

Configuring the handling in the input

You must decide what you need to do with color space metadata in the input. You might need to clean up the metadata to ensure that Elemental Live handles the color space correctly in the output.


Keep in mind that the handling on the input side of the event is about changing the color space metadata, not changing the color space itself. It is about changing the metadata to correctly identify the color space in the input, in preparation for planned handling in the outputs.

The conversion of the video to a different color space occurs in Configuring color space handling in each output.

If you plan to pass through the color space to the outputs, you should do one of the following:

  • Clean up the color space metadata, if the content provider tells you that it is missing or inaccurate.

  • Leave the metadata as is, if the color space metadata is correct.

If you plan to convert the color space in the outputs, you should do one of the following:

  • Clean up the color space metadata, if the content provider tells you that it is missing or inaccurate.

  • Leave the metadata as is, if the color space metadata is correct.

If you plan to remove the metadata, there is no need to work with the color space metadata in the input.

The following table specifies the handling that is available for color spaces in the input.

Color space

Elemental Live can correct the color space metadata




SDR 2020 Yes




Dolby Vision 5.0 No
Dolby Vision 8.1 No
Unsupported color space No

To decide how to handle the color space metadata, use the following three steps.