Uso de StartJobRun con un AWS SDK o la CLI - AWS Glue

Uso de StartJobRun con un AWS SDK o la CLI

En los siguientes ejemplos de código, se muestra cómo utilizar StartJobRun.

Los ejemplos de acciones son extractos de código de programas más grandes y deben ejecutarse en contexto. Puede ver esta acción en contexto en el siguiente ejemplo de código:


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/// <summary> /// Start an AWS Glue job run. /// </summary> /// <param name="jobName">The name of the job.</param> /// <returns>A string representing the job run Id.</returns> public async Task<string> StartJobRunAsync( string jobName, string inputDatabase, string inputTable, string bucketName) { var request = new StartJobRunRequest { JobName = jobName, Arguments = new Dictionary<string, string> { {"--input_database", inputDatabase}, {"--input_table", inputTable}, {"--output_bucket_url", $"s3://{bucketName}/"} } }; var response = await _amazonGlue.StartJobRunAsync(request); return response.JobRunId; }
  • Para obtener información sobre la API, consulte StartJobRun en la Referencia de la API de AWS SDK for .NET.

SDK para C++

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Aws::Client::ClientConfiguration clientConfig; // Optional: Set to the AWS Region in which the bucket was created (overrides config file). // clientConfig.region = "us-east-1"; Aws::Glue::GlueClient client(clientConfig); Aws::Glue::Model::StartJobRunRequest request; request.SetJobName(JOB_NAME); Aws::Map<Aws::String, Aws::String> arguments; arguments["--input_database"] = CRAWLER_DATABASE_NAME; arguments["--input_table"] = tableName; arguments["--output_bucket_url"] = Aws::String("s3://") + bucketName + "/"; request.SetArguments(arguments); Aws::Glue::Model::StartJobRunOutcome outcome = client.StartJobRun(request); if (outcome.IsSuccess()) { std::cout << "Successfully started the job." << std::endl; Aws::String jobRunId = outcome.GetResult().GetJobRunId(); int iterator = 0; bool done = false; while (!done) { ++iterator; std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(1)); Aws::Glue::Model::GetJobRunRequest jobRunRequest; jobRunRequest.SetJobName(JOB_NAME); jobRunRequest.SetRunId(jobRunId); Aws::Glue::Model::GetJobRunOutcome jobRunOutcome = client.GetJobRun( jobRunRequest); if (jobRunOutcome.IsSuccess()) { const Aws::Glue::Model::JobRun &jobRun = jobRunOutcome.GetResult().GetJobRun(); Aws::Glue::Model::JobRunState jobRunState = jobRun.GetJobRunState(); if ((jobRunState == Aws::Glue::Model::JobRunState::STOPPED) || (jobRunState == Aws::Glue::Model::JobRunState::FAILED) || (jobRunState == Aws::Glue::Model::JobRunState::TIMEOUT)) { std::cerr << "Error running job. " << jobRun.GetErrorMessage() << std::endl; deleteAssets(CRAWLER_NAME, CRAWLER_DATABASE_NAME, JOB_NAME, bucketName, clientConfig); return false; } else if (jobRunState == Aws::Glue::Model::JobRunState::SUCCEEDED) { std::cout << "Job run succeeded after " << iterator << " seconds elapsed." << std::endl; done = true; } else if ((iterator % 10) == 0) { // Log status every 10 seconds. std::cout << "Job run status " << Aws::Glue::Model::JobRunStateMapper::GetNameForJobRunState( jobRunState) << ". " << iterator << " seconds elapsed." << std::endl; } } else { std::cerr << "Error retrieving job run state. " << jobRunOutcome.GetError().GetMessage() << std::endl; deleteAssets(CRAWLER_NAME, CRAWLER_DATABASE_NAME, JOB_NAME, bucketName, clientConfig); return false; } } } else { std::cerr << "Error starting a job. " << outcome.GetError().GetMessage() << std::endl; deleteAssets(CRAWLER_NAME, CRAWLER_DATABASE_NAME, JOB_NAME, bucketName, clientConfig); return false; }
  • Para obtener información sobre la API, consulte StartJobRun en la Referencia de la API de AWS SDK for C++.


Inicio de la ejecución de un trabajo

El siguiente ejemplo de start-job-run inicia un trabajo.

aws glue start-job-run \ --job-name my-job


{ "JobRunId": "jr_22208b1f44eb5376a60569d4b21dd20fcb8621e1a366b4e7b2494af764b82ded" }

Para obtener más información, consulte Creación de trabajos en la Guía para desarrolladores de AWS Glue.

  • Para obtener información sobre la API, consulte StartJobRun en la Referencia de comandos de la AWS CLI.

SDK para Java 2.x

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/** * Starts a job run in AWS Glue. * * @param glueClient the AWS Glue client to use for the job run * @param jobName the name of the Glue job to run * @param inputDatabase the name of the input database * @param inputTable the name of the input table * @param outBucket the URL of the output S3 bucket * @throws GlueException if there is an error starting the job run */ public static void startJob(GlueClient glueClient, String jobName, String inputDatabase, String inputTable, String outBucket) { try { Map<String, String> myMap = new HashMap<>(); myMap.put("--input_database", inputDatabase); myMap.put("--input_table", inputTable); myMap.put("--output_bucket_url", outBucket); StartJobRunRequest runRequest = StartJobRunRequest.builder() .workerType(WorkerType.G_1_X) .numberOfWorkers(10) .arguments(myMap) .jobName(jobName) .build(); StartJobRunResponse response = glueClient.startJobRun(runRequest); System.out.println("The request Id of the job is " + response.responseMetadata().requestId()); } catch (GlueException e) { throw e; } }
  • Para obtener información sobre la API, consulte StartJobRun en la Referencia de la API de AWS SDK for Java 2.x.

SDK para JavaScript (v3)

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const startJobRun = (jobName, dbName, tableName, bucketName) => { const client = new GlueClient({}); const command = new StartJobRunCommand({ JobName: jobName, Arguments: { "--input_database": dbName, "--input_table": tableName, "--output_bucket_url": `s3://${bucketName}/`, }, }); return client.send(command); };
  • Para obtener información sobre la API, consulte StartJobRun en la Referencia de la API de AWS SDK for JavaScript.

SDK para PHP

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$jobName = 'test-job-' . $uniqid; $databaseName = "doc-example-database-$uniqid"; $tables = $glueService->getTables($databaseName); $outputBucketUrl = "s3://$bucketName"; $runId = $glueService->startJobRun($jobName, $databaseName, $tables, $outputBucketUrl)['JobRunId']; public function startJobRun($jobName, $databaseName, $tables, $outputBucketUrl): Result { return $this->glueClient->startJobRun([ 'JobName' => $jobName, 'Arguments' => [ 'input_database' => $databaseName, 'input_table' => $tables['TableList'][0]['Name'], 'output_bucket_url' => $outputBucketUrl, '--input_database' => $databaseName, '--input_table' => $tables['TableList'][0]['Name'], '--output_bucket_url' => $outputBucketUrl, ], ]); }
  • Para obtener información sobre la API, consulte StartJobRun en la Referencia de la API de AWS SDK for PHP.

SDK para Python (Boto3)

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class GlueWrapper: """Encapsulates AWS Glue actions.""" def __init__(self, glue_client): """ :param glue_client: A Boto3 Glue client. """ self.glue_client = glue_client def start_job_run(self, name, input_database, input_table, output_bucket_name): """ Starts a job run. A job run extracts data from the source, transforms it, and loads it to the output bucket. :param name: The name of the job definition. :param input_database: The name of the metadata database that contains tables that describe the source data. This is typically created by a crawler. :param input_table: The name of the table in the metadata database that describes the source data. :param output_bucket_name: The S3 bucket where the output is written. :return: The ID of the job run. """ try: # The custom Arguments that are passed to this function are used by the # Python ETL script to determine the location of input and output data. response = self.glue_client.start_job_run( JobName=name, Arguments={ "--input_database": input_database, "--input_table": input_table, "--output_bucket_url": f"s3://{output_bucket_name}/", }, ) except ClientError as err: logger.error( "Couldn't start job run %s. Here's why: %s: %s", name, err.response["Error"]["Code"], err.response["Error"]["Message"], ) raise else: return response["JobRunId"]
  • Para obtener información sobre la API, consulte StartJobRun en la Referencia de la API de AWS SDK para Python (Boto3).

SDK para Ruby

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# The `GlueWrapper` class serves as a wrapper around the AWS Glue API, providing a simplified interface for common operations. # It encapsulates the functionality of the AWS SDK for Glue and provides methods for interacting with Glue crawlers, databases, tables, jobs, and S3 resources. # The class initializes with a Glue client and a logger, allowing it to make API calls and log any errors or informational messages. class GlueWrapper def initialize(glue_client, logger) @glue_client = glue_client @logger = logger end # Starts a job run for the specified job. # # @param name [String] The name of the job to start the run for. # @param input_database [String] The name of the input database for the job. # @param input_table [String] The name of the input table for the job. # @param output_bucket_name [String] The name of the output S3 bucket for the job. # @return [String] The ID of the started job run. def start_job_run(name, input_database, input_table, output_bucket_name) response = @glue_client.start_job_run( job_name: name, arguments: { '--input_database': input_database, '--input_table': input_table, '--output_bucket_url': "s3://#{output_bucket_name}/" } ) response.job_run_id rescue Aws::Glue::Errors::GlueException => e @logger.error("Glue could not start job run #{name}: \n#{e.message}") raise end
  • Para obtener información sobre la API, consulte StartJobRun en la Referencia de la API de AWS SDK for Ruby.

SDK para Rust

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let job_run_output = glue .start_job_run() .job_name(self.job()) .arguments("--input_database", self.database()) .arguments( "--input_table", self.tables .first() .ok_or_else(|| GlueMvpError::Unknown("Missing crawler table".into()))? .name(), ) .arguments("--output_bucket_url", self.bucket()) .send() .await .map_err(GlueMvpError::from_glue_sdk)?; let job = job_run_output .job_run_id() .ok_or_else(|| GlueMvpError::Unknown("Missing run id from just started job".into()))? .to_string();
  • Para obtener información acerca de la API, consulte StartJobRun en la Referencia de la API del SDK de AWS para Rust.

Para obtener una lista completa de las guías para desarrolladores de AWS SDK y ejemplos de código, consulte Uso de este servicio con un AWS SDK. En este tema también se incluye información sobre cómo comenzar a utilizar el SDK y detalles sobre sus versiones anteriores.