Managing detectors - Amazon Lookout for Metrics

Managing detectors

You manage detectors in the Lookout for Metrics console.

When you create a detector, you configure just a name, description, and interval. Optionally, you can choose an encryption key to use with the dataset's data, instead of the service's default key. After the detector is created, you can add a dataset and activate the detector to start finding anomalies.

Viewing detector logs

When activation is complete, the detector analyzes data after each interval. If there are any anomalies in the data for an interval, the detector assigns each a severity score. If the score exceeds an alert target's threshold, the detector sends an alert to that target. You can view the results of each analysis in the detector log.

To view the detector log
  1. Open the Lookout for Metrics console Detectors page.

  2. Choose a detector.

  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page.

Deleting detectors

To stop analyzing data and delete it from Lookout for Metrics, delete the detector. This also deletes the detector's dataset and alerts.

To delete a detector
  1. Open the Lookout for Metrics console Detectors page.

  2. Choose a detector.

  3. Choose Delete.

You can't recover a deleted detector or its subresources. Data stored in Amazon Lookout for Metrics is completely deleted within 90 days of the detector being deleted.

Deactivating detectors

You can deactivate detectors if its status is LEARNING or ACTIVE. To reconfigure a detector, you must first deactivate the detector.

To deactivate a detector
  1. Open the Lookout for Metrics console Detectors page.

  2. Choose a detector.

  3. Choose Deactivate detector.

Deactivating a detector does not delete the detector or its subresources. If you are using the Lookout for Metrics SDK, use the DeactivateAnomalyDetector operation.

Reactivating detectors

Failed and inactive detectors can be edited and reactivated. You can reconfigure the detector and dataset before reactivating the detector. If a detector is active, you can deactivate, reconfigure, and then reactivate the detector.

A detector can only be reactivated if its status is FAILED or INACTIVE. Detectors that are INITIALIZING, LEARNING, or ACTIVE cannot be reactivated.

When reconfiguring the detector, the Detector name (AnomalyDetectorName) and Tags fields are not editable. You can change the KMS key (KmsKeyArn) if the detector is inactive. If the detector failed, the KMS key cannot be changed.

When reconfiguring the dataset, the Detector Arn (AnomalyDetectorArn), Dataset name (MetricSetName), and Tags fields are not editable.

To reactivate a detector
  1. Open the Lookout for Metrics console Detectors page.

  2. Choose the failed or inactive detector.

  3. [Optional] To reconfigure the detector, choose Edit under Create a detector.

  4. [Optional] To reconfigure the dataset, choose Edit under Add a dataset.

  5. Choose Activate detector.

If you are using the Lookout for Metrics SDK, use the UpdateAnomalyDetector operation to edit the detector settings and the UpdateMetricSet operation to edit the dataset. Use ActivateAnomalyDetector to reactivate the detector.